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Trump spends last Saturday before the debate meeting with Christian voters and courting Pennsylvanians.

Trump spends last Saturday before the debate meeting with Christian voters and courting Pennsylvanians.



Former President Donald Trump, true to his preference for avoiding traditional debate preparation, will spend his final Saturday before his first one-on-one showdown with President Joe Biden on the campaign trail.

Trump addressed a gathering of Christian conservatives Saturday afternoon in Washington, D.C., touching on his familiar campaign messages while emphasizing his efforts to overturn federal abortion rights by naming judges who helped make it overturning Roe v. Wade. Later Saturday, he will travel to Philadelphia for a more traditional campaign rally in a key battleground state.

The back-to-back public appearances stand in stark contrast to Biden's approach in the first of two presidential debates, hosted by CNN on Thursday. The president and his team are spending the weekend before the debate at Camp David, reviewing briefing files and holding mock debate sessions as he prepares for his high-stakes meeting with Trump.

Even as Trump held informal briefings with his advisers and allies, he also maintained an active campaign schedule. He held a rally in Racine, Wisconsin, on Tuesday and attended a fundraiser Thursday night in Ohio.

The Trump campaign appreciates the juxtaposition of the two candidates' preparation styles.

As Joe Biden's advisers force him to hole up at Camp David for some well-deserved rest, President Trump continues his busy campaign schedule, Trump spokeswoman Karoline Leavitt said.

Speaking to reporters Saturday at a Philadelphia sandwich shop, Trump said, “I'm looking forward to Thursday. I know he's holed up in a log cabin somewhere. You can imagine what he does when talking about Biden.

Earlier Saturday, the former president attended the annual Road to Majority conference hosted by the Faith & Freedom Coalition, a group founded by prominent evangelical voice Ralph Reed. Trump has spoken at the conference nine times over the years, although his appearance Saturday came as he tried to distance himself from the vehement anti-abortion positions of Christian groups like Faith & Freedom.

After advocating for a federal ban on abortion and leading the charge to overturn Roe v. Wade, Trump now says future fights over access to the procedure should be left to the states. His reversal on abortion comes after Trump blamed the issue for the Republican Party's disappointing performance in the 2022 midterms and before his party votes on its first platform since the fall of Roe at its convention next month.

Reed told CNN he didn't think Trump's position was at odds with religious voters.

The president's position simply reflects the short-term political reality on both sides, he said. Neither party has the votes necessary to pass federal legislation that reflects its values ​​and aspirations.

Reed added: The long-term political reality is whoever wins this battle at the state level will create the momentum and get the votes to achieve what they want at the federal level.

Democrats campaigned aggressively and spent millions of dollars to remind voters of Trump's role in eliminating the constitutional right to abortion. The Biden campaign criticized Trump's attendance at the Washington event as evidence of his stance on the issue.

You are the company you keep, said Biden campaign spokeswoman Sarafina Chitika, and Donald Trump's position is clear: He proudly worked alongside extremists to overturn Roe, he promised to work alongside from a group promising to eradicate abortion, and this Saturday, dammit. will deliver the keynote address to other extremists determined to ban abortion nationwide.

Trump's rally in Philadelphia on Saturday night marks his fourth appearance in Pennsylvania this year as the race for one of the key battlegrounds heats up.

The Trump campaign has sought to drive a wedge between Biden and his home state by hammering the president on inflation and crime.

Pennsylvania's great citizens are feeling the effects of Biden's failed policies where it hurts their wallets the most, the Trump campaign said in a statement announcing the rally.

Southeastern Pennsylvania became a hotbed of activity during both presidential campaigns. Trump held a rally in Lehigh Valley in April, and in February he debuted a sneaker at SneakerCon in Philadelphia as part of his outreach to minority communities.

Biden won 92% of black voters in Pennsylvania four years ago, en route to capturing the key state to his overall victory. But a recent poll by the New York Times, Philadelphia Inquirer and Siena College found that his support in the state among black voters had fallen to 50 percent.

Ahead of Trump's rally on Saturday, the Democratic National Committee unveiled new ads that it says aim to highlight Trump's history of failing black Americans and how he has left the black community behind him. This counter-messaging campaign comes as polls show that black men are more willing to support the Republican candidate in this year's election than they have been historically.

In addition to a billboard in Philadelphia, the DNC will also have a mobile billboard circling the former presidents' gathering, highlighting the higher unemployment rates for Black Americans under the Trump administration compared to the Biden administration and the Trump tax cuts that benefited the wealthiest Americans. The committee will have pro-Biden booths around Temple University, where Trump's rally is being held, that will highlight student debt relief and increased public education funding provided under the administration Biden.

Donald Trump has been a disaster for minority communities, especially black Americans. He says he's not racist, but his record says otherwise. Time and again, he has insulted cities with large Black communities, and during his tenure, jobs have disappeared, unemployment more than doubled for Black Americans during the pandemic, and his tax scam has widened the wealth gap racially motivated, said DNC spokesperson Abhi Rahman. in a report.

This story has been updated with additional developments.

CNN's Kate Sullivan contributed to this report.




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