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Buck stops at top echelons of PM Modi's government in NEET 'scam', says Cong | Political news


Congress, Congress flag

Congress struck Sunday. Photo: Bloomberg

The Congress on Sunday slammed the Modi government over the bureaucratic reshuffle in the National Testing Agency after alleged irregularities in the NEET-UG, saying the buck stops at the doors of the regime's upper echelons.

Congress president Mallikarjun Kharge has alleged that the National Testing Agency (NTA) was supposed to be an autonomous body, but in reality it was created to serve the “devious interests” of the BJP/RSS.

“In the NEET scam, the blame lies with the upper echelons of the Modi government. Stirring up the bureaucrats is not a solution to the endemic problem of the education system being rotten by the BJP,” he said in an article on X.

For students to get justice, the Modi government must be held accountable, he said.

On Saturday, the Center had sidelined NTA Director General Subodh Singh and handed over the probe into irregularities in the NEET-UG medical entrance exam to the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI).

The education ministry has also set up a seven-member committee headed by former ISRO chief K Radhakrishnan to review the functioning of the agency and recommend exam reforms.

It also postponed the NEET-PG entrance, the fourth entrance exam to be impacted in recent days.

Kharge said the NEET-PG exam was postponed and all four exams were either canceled or postponed in the last 10 days.

“Paper leaks, corruption, irregularities and educational mafia have infiltrated our education system,” he said.

“This belated whitewashing exercise has no consequences as countless young people continue to suffer,” Kharge said.

Denouncing postponement of NEET PG exam, former Congress president Rahul Gandhi accused Prime Minister Narendra Modi of being 'helpless' in the face of paper leaks and 'education mafia' .

“Now NEET PG has been postponed. This is another unfortunate example of the crumbling education system under the Narendra Modi regime. Under the BJP regime, students are not forced to study to save their careers, but are forced to fight with the government to save their future “Now it is clear that after watching the show silently every time, Modi is helpless against the paper leak racket and the education mafia.” , he said in a Hindi message on X.

“Narendra Modi's incompetent government is the biggest threat to the future of students and we must save the future of the country from it,” he added.

Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi Vadra also attacked the Modi government over alleged irregularities in national competitive examinations, including NEET-UG, alleging that it had handed over the entire education system to the 'mafia' and “corrupt”.

In an article on

Earlier, Congress general secretary Jairam Ramesh had said, “There is no complete day without a news of cancellation of exam due to utter incompetence of non-biological PM and his entourage”.

(Only the title and image of this report may have been reworked by Business Standard staff; the rest of the content is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)

First publication: June 23, 2024 | 1:49 p.m. EAST




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