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Chinese-led summit to be attended by Turkish President

Chinese-led summit to be attended by Turkish President


Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan has suggested that an economic arrangement led by China and Russia could be his country's alternative to the EU, following a series of high-level talks between his country and groups and officials aligned to the East.

Turkish officials have met with their Chinese and Russian counterparts over the past two months. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoan is scheduled to attend a meeting of the China-led Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) on July 3 in Astana, Kazakhstan, where he is expected to meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Fidan made the comments Monday evening about BRICS, an economic group of developing countries that includes China, Russia and recently Iran.

Bloomberg reported that he said that an “economic alliance has not materialized” in reference to the EU, which Turkey has waited for decades to join, and that a search was underway.

It will be a month after Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan traveled to Beijing for the highest-level meeting by a Turkish official in China since 2012.

Turkey's new Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan speaks during a handover ceremony in Ankara, Turkey, June 5, 2023. (REUTERS/CAGLA GURDOGAN)

The war in Gaza may have motivated Beijing to increase its cooperation with Turkey.

Nilgun Elikucuk Yildirim, an associate professor of international relations at Atlm University who specializes in China-Turkey relations, told The Media Line that Beijing believed Ankara played an important role among Muslim-majority countries during the war in Gaza.

“We see how China has actually attributed importance to Turkey regarding Gaza and cooperation between Muslim countries during this period. [Fidan’s] “I am delighted to have visited China,” Yildirim said.

In a joint press conference, Fidan and Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi reiterated the need for a ceasefire in Gaza.

Statement by Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi

Wang said increased cooperation with Turkey would increase the chances of finding a solution to “the Palestinian issue,” Turkish media outlet Hurriyet reported.

Wang also said his country wants to increase cooperation with Turkey to oppose “hegemony and power politics” in trade, energy and technology, South China reported Morning Post.

Turkey's geographical position, bordering Iran, Syria and Iraq and sharing a maritime border with Ukraine and Russia in the Black Sea, makes it a strategically valuable ally for its partners in the NATO.

Experts say Turkey is trying to balance its security dependence on NATO with stronger relations with eastern countries, particularly Russia and China, to gain more geopolitical independence.

The meeting between foreign ministers follows discussions between Turkey's energy minister and Chinese officials and companies in May.

Local media reported that the Turkish president said in 2022 that he hoped his country would become a member of the SCO, whose members include Iran, India and Pakistan.

Yildirim said China has gained a foothold in Turkey through activities such as providing telecommunications for Istanbul airport.

“China is influencing or… injecting something into the Turkish system as a NATO member, especially in the intelligence field,” Yildirim said.

“It is not necessary to be part of [the SCO]. China is there.

Yusuf Can, an analyst with the Wilson Center's Middle East program, said Turkey's role in NATO makes its participation particularly attractive to Beijing as it competes with the West for international influence.

“As a NATO country, Turkey’s significant interest in BRICS presents a valuable public relations opportunity for China and the organization as a whole within the international community,” Can wrote in a message to The Media Line.

During his visit to Beijing, the Turkish foreign minister reportedly said his country also wanted to join BRICS. Russia welcomed this sentiment, while US Ambassador to Turkey Jeffrey Flake told Reuters news agency that Washington opposed such a move.

Fidan then attended an organizational meeting and met with Russian President Vladimir Putin about a week after his meeting with the Chinese foreign minister.

Can believes that Turkey wants to strengthen its diplomatic relations in an increasingly unstable global context, and the war in Gaza has strengthened Ankara geopolitically.

“This strengthened Turkey's position amid declining popularity of the West in the international community, and particularly in the Global South,” Can said.

He added that Turkey hopes that participation in these meetings will lead to greater global influence, a motivation that has grown stronger as the world order shifts toward more diverse sources of power.

“By expanding its diplomatic relations, Turkey wishes to increase trade opportunities and, given its growing military ambitions, potentially increase arms trade with new buyers,” he said.




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