'Trying to provoke people': TMC claims Sukanta met PM Modi to blame election defeat on Suvendu Adhikari
A day after Union Minister and West Bengal BJP chief Sukanta Majumdar proposed inclusion of North Bengal in the Northeast region, the ruling TMC responded by saying Majumdar was trying to divert attention from his failure in the Lok Sabha elections and met Prime Minister Narendra Modi to blame Suvendu Adhikari. “Sukanta Majumdar is trying to provoke the people by talking about separation of North Bengal,” TMC's Kunal Ghosh said.
Suggesting that the move had nothing to do with the development of the region, Ghosh said Majumdar was not friendly with anyone, neither North Bengal nor South Bengal. “According to the information we have, he is trying to blame Suvendu Adhikari for their failure in West Bengal, for which he had gone to meet the Prime Minister,” the TMC leader alleged in a video message shared by ANI.
Majumdar on Wednesday said he had proposed to Prime Minister Narendra Modi to include North Bengal in the DoNER ministry for the development of the region. “Today, I met the Prime Minister and proposed that since North Bengal shares similarities with the North East, if North Bengal, while still a part of West Bengal, could be included in the North East under DoNER, the region would get more development funds for various projects. I don’t think the state government would object to this idea as it is for the development of the state,” he said in a video message.
The minister's proposal was not welcomed by the ruling party, which called it an attempt to separate the region from the state.
Majumdar further clarified that he had proposed inclusion of North Bengal region, which has many similarities with the Northeast, under the North Eastern Regional Development Ministry. “This would enable the funds allocated to the Northeast region to be used for the development of North Bengal as well. This has nothing to do with division or separation of the state,” he said in an interview with PTI.
TMC MP Sukhendu Sekhar Roy said it was a separatist move by a Union minister, “violating the oath of office under the Constitution”. He said North Bengal is an integral part of West Bengal. “Even the Prime Minister has no authority to accept such an unconstitutional and illegal demand. This is an evil plan of the BJP to divide West Bengal as it has been losing elections in the state since 2011,” he said.
The idea of separating north Bengal has been a topic of debate ever since the BJP's defeat in the 2021 assembly elections. Some BJP leaders, including former Union minister and former Alipurduars MP John Barla, have already suggested creating a Union Territory comprising the north Bengal districts.
Sources 2/ https://www.businesstoday.in/india/story/trying-to-provoke-people-tmc-claims-sukanta-met-pm-modi-to-shift-poll-loss-responsibility-on-suvendu-adhikari-438733-2024-07-25 The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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