Much distrust: Indian diaspora unlikely to open up to Modi's friend Trump, analysts say
In September 2019, at a joint rally in Houston that drew about 50,000 people, Donald Trump compared Modi to Elvis Presley. Five months later, the two leaders doubled that crowd at a cricket stadium in the western Indian state of Ahmedabad, where they congratulated each other.
But even those who are die-hard Modi supporters may shy away from Trump for fear that his regime is unfriendly to ethnic minorities, analysts say.
Traditionally, Indian Americans vote overwhelmingly for Democrats. However, that changed slightly in 2016 and 2020, with some switching allegiances to Trump. Some Indian Americans may vote for Trump this time around, but I don’t see that as a dominant trend, said Uday Chandra, an assistant professor of government at Georgetown University.
The Republican leader told a conference of black journalists in Chicago late last month that Harris was a lifelong Indian before turning to a black identity for political reasons.
Harris dismissed Trump's remarks as nothing more than a display of division and disrespect.
“We deserve a leader who understands that our differences do not divide us, but are a vital source of our strength,” she said at a meeting in Houston on Wednesday.
Harris, 59, is the first female vice president in U.S. history. She is the daughter of immigrants. Her mother, who is of Indian descent, and her father, who is of Jamaican descent, were both academics and activists.
As a child, Harris attended both a black Baptist church and a Hindu temple, embracing both his South Asian and black identities.
Some Republicans, even within Trump's campaign, appear to have distanced themselves from his comments. Sen. Cynthia Lummis, a Wyoming Republican who has supported Trump, said Thursday that rhetoric around race and identity is not helpful to anyone this election cycle, according to a report by The Associated Press.
The Diaspora Dilemma
It is possible that a small portion of the Hindu community of Indian origin [Americans] The vote may swing from Democrats to Trump because of the image Trump has painted of Kamala Harris, but the majority will not, said Nilanjan Mukhopadhyay, an independent political commentator based in New Delhi.
Trump's tactics to tarnish the image of his political opponents are similar to those of Modi, he said.
The Modi government has maintained strong ties with the Biden administration and advanced military and trade cooperation.
The Republican Party is shedding its racial exclusivity of the past to become a broad-based party, like the British Conservatives. But that will take time, Chandra said.
Indian-Americans who are Hindu have rallied behind Modi because they see him as capable of bringing economic development and providing stable administrative rule in the South Asian country.
While Hindus are the dominant religious community in India, they are a minority in the United States, which could make them vulnerable to Trump's policies, Mukhopadhyay said.
Another analyst, however, said a section of the diaspora was likely to support Trump because of his relationship with Modi.
Senior executives and businesspeople, especially in the technology sector, believe Trump will be a better and natural ally for Modi, said Priyajit Debsarkar, an Indian author based in London.
Harris should rely on the vote of the American public at large, not the diaspora, he said.
Sources 2/ https://www.scmp.com/week-asia/politics/article/3273049/plenty-distrust-indian-diaspora-unlikely-warm-modis-friend-trump-analysts-say The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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