In Tunisia, President Kais Saied buries the achievements of the democratic transition a little deeper
Act after act, Tunisian President Kais Saied is trampling on all the achievements of the democratic transition that followed the 2011 revolution. The latest symbol of this is the arrest, on Thursday, August 1, of Sihem Bensedrine, one of the leading figures in the fight for human rights in the country.
At 73, Bensedrine is in trouble with the courts for her role as president of the Truth and Dignity Commission (IVD), which she held from 2014 to 2018. This independent body was created as part of the post-revolutionary transitional justice process of 2011 to shed light on human rights violations under the regimes of Habib Bourguiba and Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali. The former head of the body is accused of “obtaining unjustified advantages”, “prejudicing the State” and “falsification” for the changes made to the IVD's final report before its official publication. She risks life in prison.
A former journalist, a leading figure in the Tunisian feminist movement in the late 1970s and a human rights activist, Bensedrine had opposed the regime of Mr. Ben Ali, who imprisoned her for several weeks in the early 2000s. Elected head of the IVD in 2014, she was the subject of much criticism during her term, both from political leaders hostile to the transitional justice process and for the management of her administration.
Preliminary investigation opened
The IVD was tasked with documenting human rights violations committed by state agents between 1955 and 2013, a period spanning the presidencies of Habib Bourguiba (1957–1987) and his successor, Ben Ali (1987–2011), as well as the post-revolutionary unrest. During its four-year term, the body received over sixty thousand complaints and interviewed nearly fifty thousand alleged victims. Public hearings were held and broadcast live on television, and approximately two hundred cases of serious human rights violations were documented. were brought before the courts, despite the lack of cooperation from several administrations, notably the Ministry of the Interior.
The transitional justice process had also been severely weakened by the president at the time, Béji Caïd Essebsi, and his ruling ally, the Islamo-conservative Ennahda party, notably with the adoption of the “administrative reconciliation” law, which aimed to reinstate into the civil service civil servants involved in acts of corruption, in conflict with the prerogatives of the IVD.
Under pressure from its critics, the body was ordered to complete its work in December 2018 and a voluminous report was then submitted to the Tunisian president before amendments were made in March 2019. The final version of the report was published in the Official Journal in 2020.
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Sources 2/ https://www.lemonde.fr/en/le-monde-africa/article/2024/08/06/in-tunisia-the-president-kais-saied-buries-the-gains-of-the-democratic-transition-a-little-more-deeply_6709988_124.html The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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