Italy Makes Cybersecurity Demands in Chinese Auto Plant Negotiations BNN Bloomberg

(Bloomberg) — Italy is demanding that Dongfeng Motor Group Co. agree to cybersecurity and data protection measures as the price of supporting a new plant for the Chinese automaker, according to people familiar with the matter.
As negotiations with Dongfeng move forward, Prime Minister Giorgia Melonis’ government is demanding that components such as infotainment units be sourced locally for security reasons, the people said, speaking on condition of anonymity, citing confidential negotiations. Italian officials also want consumer data to be collected and managed in the country, they added.
Melonis’s government is seeking to capitalize on Chinese investment in an auto industry that has steadily declined in recent decades, while managing concerns about data protection and cybersecurity. The prime minister met Chinese President Xi Jinping in Beijing last week as she seeks to mend frayed trade ties with the Asian powerhouse.
The arrival of a Chinese carmaker in Italy could help breathe new life into a stagnant market, provided local suppliers play a crucial role in supplying components and ensuring Western safety standards, especially for new-generation cars, said Stefano Aversa, president for Europe, the Middle East and Africa at consultancy AlixPartners.
The restrictions are part of a broader set of rules also aimed at promoting Italian auto suppliers. Italy has urged Dongfeng to source at least 45% of all components for each car from Italy, which would allow the Chinese company to benefit from hundreds of millions of euros in government incentives, the sources said.
An Italian government official declined to comment on the reports. Dongfeng did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
Italy has committed to increasing its car production to 1 million vehicles by 2030. According to the International Organization of Motor Vehicle Manufacturers, production stood at 880,000 in 2023. In 2017, the figure was 1.14 million, down from 1.74 million in 2000.
Meloni and Industry Minister Adolfo Urso are seeking to lure another major automaker to Italy after Stellantis NV, the maker of Fiat and the country’s dominant player, indicated it could move some of its production to lower-cost locations. Stellantis has an auto partnership with Dongfeng in China and agreed to sell assets to the Chinese company last year.
Italy has also held talks with other Chinese automakers, which are expanding in Europe to avoid new tariffs on electric vehicles. Luring Dongfeng would give Italy a leading role in European efforts to revive electric vehicle production, while helping the country rebuild its partnership with China after it pulled out of Xi Jinping’s flagship Belt and Road Initiative.
–With the assistance of Tiago Ramos Alfaro.
Bloomberg LP 2024
Sources 2/ https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/business/international/2024/08/09/italy-makes-cybersecurity-demands-in-talks-on-chinese-auto-plant/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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