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Imran Khan Shares His Reaction If A Teacher Raises His Hand To His Daughter: 'I'd See Red…'

Imran Khan Shares His Reaction If A Teacher Raises His Hand To His Daughter: 'I'd See Red…'


Imran Khan is back in the limelight after deciding to take a break around 2015 following a series of box office failures. Apart from films, the 41-year-old actor has been quite active on social media, often sharing updates about his life. It is not yet known if Imran will appear in a film in the future, but the actor has kept his fans delighted by appearing in several interviews.

Imran Khan talks about education in India

Recently, Imran Khan appeared on We Are Yuvaa's YouTube chat show, Be A Man Yaar, and spoke at length about various facets of his professional and personal life. During the conversation, the 41-year-old touched on the topic of parenthood. For the uninitiated, Imran Khan co-parents his daughter, Imara, with his ex-wife, Avantika Malik.

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During his speech, the actor shared his thoughts on the Indian education system and recalled his school days. Imran Khan revealed that he studied in a number of schools including Bombay Scottish. Talking about how schools believed that behaviour could be corrected through caning, Imran Khan said:

“I went to a number of schools. I started at Bombay Scottish in Bombay. Back then, the belief was that all behaviour could be corrected with a cane. So, you wore the wrong colour socks to school? Cane! Forgot to bring a book to school? Cane! Didn’t do your homework? Guess what? More cane! The regularity with which the teachers beat us was really starting to wear on me.”

Imran Khan Shares He Might Commit Murder If Anyone Raises Hand On His Daughter

Later in the conversation, Imran Khan mentioned that he would not be able to control himself if someone raised a hand on his daughter. He said that he might go to the extent of killing someone if he saw someone physically assaulting his daughter. He was quoted as saying:

“When I think about it now, I was an eight or nine-year-old child. Younger than my own daughter. And if I imagined a teacher today raising their hand and hitting my daughter, I would see red. I might have been inclined to commit murder, to see someone assault my daughter in that way. So, yes, I was not capable of handling the school system.”

Imran, who is a mental health campaigner, added that being a parent has helped him improve. He shared his thoughts, saying that he always wanted to be the best father he could be and to achieve that, he had to be good from the inside out. So, he worked hard to improve himself mentally.

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Imran Khan shares his parenting advice

Furthermore, when the host asked the actor to share the best parenting advice he has ever received, Imran mentioned that people should treat their children like human beings. The actor explained his answer by saying that people should treat children like they would treat any other adult human being; just because they are small doesn’t mean they can’t have autonomy. He said:

“The best parenting advice I’ve ever received, and I try to instill in myself, is that we tend to think of children as lesser beings. We think that because they’re small, they don’t understand anything. You know, people don’t respect children’s autonomy. So yeah, treat a child like you would any other human being.”

Imran Khan opens up about his divorce from Avantika Malik

Apart from sharing his experience as a parent and giving parenting tips, Imran Khan also opened up about his divorce from his ex-wife, Avantika Malik. During the conversation, the actor stressed that he felt no shame or stigma about it, and that it was a choice he made because he understood that they were in a situation where they were not allowing and encouraging each other to be the strongest and best versions of themselves.

Imran went on to say that two people joining together for life only makes sense if the partners are satisfied and supportive of each other and leave no room for negotiation. On his part, Imran praised his current girlfriend, Lekha Washington, saying that they entered into a relationship “consciously,” wanting to “evolve, grow and heal.”

Watch the video here.

What do you think about Imran Khan's revelations?

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