FERGUSON, Mo. (AP) A Ferguson, Missouri, police officer was seriously injured outside the city's police station during protests on March 10. birthday of the fatal shooting of Michael Brown, a pivotal moment in the national Black Lives Matter movement, police said Saturday.
Ferguson Police Chief Troy Doyle said Officer Travis Brown suffered a serious brain injury Friday after being thrown to the ground.
He is currently in an area hospital fighting for his life, Doyle said.
Two other officers were also injured, one suffering an ankle injury and the other a graze wound.
The team of officers went out Friday to make arrests for destruction of property at the police station, where protesters had gathered to remember Michael Brown, the unarmed black 18-year-old killed by Darren Wilson, a white police officer in 2014.
Doyle said Travis Brown started working for the department in January and previously worked for the St. Louis County Police Department.
He wanted to be a part of change, Doyle said. He wanted to make an impact on our community. That’s the type of police officer we want in our community. And what happens? He gets assaulted. I had to look his mother in the eye and tell her what happened to her son. I’ll never do that again, I promise you.
Two other officers were also injured, one suffering an ankle injury and the other a graze wound.
St. Louis County Prosecutor Wesley Bell, who earlier visited the hospital to meet with the officer's family, said he was preparing charges. But he declined to release the names of the suspects before they were filed.
I always say the hardest part of this job is when we have a family that has lost a loved one and we can't do justice to them. And I have to do something about it. The hardest thing I've had to do is talk to and comfort a mother who doesn't know if her child is going to make it. And for what?
The arrests came as the St. Louis Fire Department placed a department member on leave after he made a social media post that the department described as insensitive.
We take this matter seriously and do not tolerate such behavior, the department said. wrote.
The department did not release the contents of the message, but several area media outlets reported that it read: Happy ALIVE day to Darren Wilson!
Michael Brown's death turned Ferguson into focal point of national calculation with the historically strained relationship between American law enforcement and black people.
In 2015, an investigation by the U.S. Department of Justice also found no reason to pursue Wilson. But the report painted a scathing assessment of the police department that raised important concerns about how police treated black residents and a justice system that created a cycle of debt for many residents.
Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.
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