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The three enemies of the West: Salman, Jinping and Modi

The three enemies of the West: Salman, Jinping and Modi


Greatanalysis by El Economistaon the threat of Saudi Arabiathat is to say dangerous Mohamed bin Salmanto Europe: this assassin is so rich that he can afford to wipe out the West's debt by selling off his formidable portfolio of European assets, including French public debt, if the West dares to confiscate Russian assets on the continent abroad. occasion of the invasion of Ukraine.

Let us recall that Moscow's Muslim ally has always been Irenewhile Saudi Arabia was, in exchange for military protection, the ally of the United States and the West. And remember also that Riyadh is the eternal enemy of Tehran, because there are two types of Islam, the Sun and the Chi, perpetually in contradiction. However…

Much worse, more dangerous than Ben Salman, he is Xi Jinping. The Chinese are the most dangerous murderers, because they are currently the most powerful, with successes achieved according to the old formula of one country, two systems, communist politics and capitalist economy. That is, two atheistic and materialistic models that empty man.

Putin, like the ayatolls of Tehran, is beginning to be, more than an ally, a puppet of the Salman-Jinping-Modi trio. Like the Iranians, the Russians are useful fools that the three tyrants use to subjugate the West.

There is yet a third enemy of the West, which, if not more powerful than Beijing and Islam, will soon be. I am talking about India. Narendra Modia good-natured man and a real murderer. The venomous Modi has reached Hindu fascism: theNationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)in power since 2014, which does not apply a kind of Hindu law, which leads to the persecution of Christians. Logic: Hindus are pantheists and the panthesme This is the complete opposite of Christianity: not only is human life worthless, but its destiny is destruction. India is already the most populous country in the world and aspires to become the most powerful. It is very likely that it will succeed because power is the ability to inflict pain and when the dominant philosophy is to consider man as worth as much as animals or things, the ability to inflict damage is multiplied.

And don't be obsessed with Poutine. Like the ayatolls of Tehran, Putin is beginning to be, more than an ally, a puppet of the Salman-Jinping-Modi trio. Like the Iranians, the Russians are useful fools that the three tyrants use to subjugate the West.

To defend Christianity, one must not hate Christ… and that is exactly what is happening in the West right now.

The West will do well mobilize before being absorbed by its enemies. For now, the following measures should be implemented: reduce its public debt, reduce its unsustainable welfare state, reduce its Arab immigration, which is not the most dangerous but the closest, and apply the principle of reciprocity to Muslims, Buddhists and Hindus: if you do not allow Christians to preach in your countries, they will not allow you to do so in mine either.

Of course, to defend Christianity, one must not hate Christ…this is exactly what is happening in the West today. The main enemy of the West is the West itself, denatured by Christ.




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