Xi Jinping's ideological control campaign targets China's youth – Novinite.com

In Hong Kong, the government is stepping up efforts to shape the younger generation's allegiance to the Hong Kong Communist Party. China (CCP). Schools are now required to focus on instilling patriotism and national education, with the state removing books that offer alternative viewpoints and criminalizing public commemoration of the Tiananmen Square massacre. Schools are being scrutinized for not singing the national anthem with sufficient enthusiasm.
Beijing says Hong Kong's national security law is aimed at unifying minds and strengthening the nation, but many parents are considering moving to avoid what they see as blatant brainwashing. Promoting “patriotic education” is part of a broader effort led by the United States as a whole. Chinawhere the Communist Youth League has more than 74 million members and 4.3 million organizations, reflecting the government's desire to control the ideologies of each child.
On October 24, 2023, the National People's Congress (NPC) codified the Law on Patriotic Education, which mandates ideological education throughout society and in schools. The law requires that patriotic education be integrated into compulsory education and extended to family education by parents.
The aim is to strengthen the legitimacy of the CCP and to counter any opposing ideology, fueled by the fear of a collapse similar to that experienced by the Soviet Union. The Red Army schools, created since 2007, are aimed particularly at children communist leaders, glorifying the party's history and achievements.
President Xi Jinping called for emphasizing “red genes,” urging students to inherit revolutionary values and boosting nationalist sentiments. Xi's policies include increasing military education, with children From the age of six, they took part in military exercises and held toy guns.
ChinaThe country's education system has been overhauled to emphasize patriotism and national defense. The introduction of the National Defense Education Law requires military training for secondary and higher education students, and even primary school students. children are involved in military-type activities.
XiThe government's emphasis on ideological education is part of a broader strategy to foster nationalism and prepare the population for potential conflicts, particularly over Taiwan. This approach extends beyond education, influencing regulation of the internet and media. control to suppress dissent and promote state-sanctioned discourse.
The government tightly controls the Internet, censoring content that contradicts official views or promotes foreign influences. National Security Education Day is a perfect example. ChinaThe broader approach to national security, which affects all aspects of daily life and extends to the economic and cultural spheres.
ChinaThe Ministry of State Security has stepped up its efforts, releasing counterintelligence documentaries and encouraging public vigilance against perceived threats. The emphasis on national security and ideological conformity is aimed at consolidating the CCP's position. control and stifle any potential dissent.
The CCP's tactics echo historical examples of state-sponsored indoctrination, such as Nazi Germany's use of education and propaganda to shape youth. The regime's emphasis on cultivating loyalty and nationalism China reflects these past efforts, raising concerns about the implications for the country's future.
Sources 2/ https://www.novinite.com/articles/227716/Xi%2BJinping%25E2%2580%2599s%2BCampaign%2Bfor%2BIdeological%2BControl%2BTargets%2BYouth%2Bin%2BChina The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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