Jailed Chinese activist to celebrate new birthday alone in cell, wife says

WASHINGTON — Ding Jiaxi knew he would spend his 57th birthday alone in a Chinese prison cell, without a phone call from his family or a chance to stretch out in the sun.
It was the fifth year the activist had been in these conditions. Despite letters assuring his family in the United States that he was in good health, his wife, Sophie Luo, was not convinced.
“I am really worried about his health because he has been tortured before,” Luo told The Associated Press from Washington.
Luo shared details of her husband's plight ahead of his birthday on Saturday, shedding light on the harsh reality treatment of political prisoners imprisoned in the countrywho are often deprived of rights such as outdoor exercise and contact with loved ones, according to families and human rights groups.
Beijing has said the prisoners' rights are protected by Chinese law. The Chinese Embassy in Washington did not immediately respond to an email seeking comment.
Ding, a key member of the now-defunct New Citizens movement, which sought to promote democracy and civil society in China, was arrested in December 2019 after attending an informal meeting in the southeastern city of Xiamen to discuss current events. He was sentenced to 12 years in prison in April 2023 for subverting state power.
Maya Wang, acting China director for the human rights organization Human Rights Watch, said harsh treatment was commonplace for political prisoners in China.
Unfortunately, mistreatment is very common and the situation has worsened under China's President Xi Jinping, Wang said. Political prisoners were tortureddeprived of access to lawyers and having little contact with their families, she said, adding that the secrecy has facilitated continued abuse of prisoners and caused their health to suffer.
Rep. Adam Schiff, who serves on a bipartisan congressional human rights commission, called for Ding's release.
“Once again, he will be alone in a prison in Hubei province in China. He will be separated from his loved ones, his wife and children. He will celebrate his fifth birthday in solitary confinement,” Schiff, a California Democrat, said in a statement released Friday.
Luo said she has not been allowed to speak to her husband on the phone since he was taken away by authorities in 2019. Since then, I have not heard his voice, said Luo, who moved to the United States with the couple's two children shortly after Ding was first detained in 2013.
It was only last March that she received her first letter. In his letters, Ding was not allowed to write about his case, how he was treated in prison or any other topics considered sensitive by the Chinese government, Luo said.
She said she couldn't believe Ding wasn't allowed to leave his cell to exercise. It's really bad for his health, Luo said. Every prisoner in China should be allowed to go out to exercise. Why can't he do it?
She also lamented Ding's absence in their two daughters' lives. He cannot be with them when they need a father the most, she said. It is truly a great loss.
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