PTI addresses SC Imran: He will only talk to establishment in national interest

The PTI founder categorically denies having had any “contact with the establishment”.
Khayam Abbasi
RAWALPINDI: Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) founder Imran Khan has said that he has no contact with the establishment, while clarifying that any future discussions would be conducted only if they were in the interest of the nation. Speaking informally to the media after a hearing at Adiala Jail court in Rawalpindi regarding the 190 million case, Imran stressed the crucial need for strong institutions in Pakistan. He remarked, “Only sheep and goats can be controlled with sticks, not humans. What they are doing is suicide.” Imran expressed his belief that the measures taken by the authorities are detrimental to the stability of the country. Imran also commented on his current conditions in prison, highlighting the harsh treatment he is receiving, saying, “I have been put in a room like an oven, but I am not seeking any relief.” » He expressed concern over the living conditions of his wife, Bushra Bibi, claiming that rats have infested her room, even falling from the ceiling while she prays. Furthermore, Imran criticised the Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) leadership, questioning the qualifications of Mohsin Naqvi, who he said was appointed despite his involvement in a NAB case in 2008. Imran reiterated his stance that if anything happens to him, the responsibility will lie with the DG ISI and the army chief. Meanwhile, weeks after the Supreme Court announced its order in the reserved seats case, the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) on Monday pleaded with the top court seeking its July verdict. On August 12, the election regulator filed a review petition in the Supreme Court against the short-lived verdict involving the PTI and the Sunni Ittehad Council (SIC). In its petition, the ECP contended that 80 independent candidates had decided to join the SIC and had submitted relevant documents to declare their allegiance to the party. However, it added that the SIC had neither contested the February 8 national elections as a political party nor submitted a list of candidates for the reserved seats. The Supreme Court, in its much-awaited verdict on July 12, ruled that the former ruling party was allowed to have reserved seats for women and minorities in all legislatures, including the National Assembly, a move that will potentially transform the PTI into Pakistan’s largest political party. The PTI also referred to the objection of the election bodies, saying that the ECP had wrongly claimed that the commission was having difficulty implementing the order (ibid.) as the PTI currently has no organizational structure to confirm the declarations of the MLAs/MLAs. The Imran-led party also requested the court to issue directions to the election regulator to accept the affidavits of allegiance filed by the independent lawmakers, signed by advocate Gohar Khan and Omar Ayub, the PTI’s chairman-elect and secretary-general respectively. The party also requested the court to direct the ECP to implement the July 12 order. The PTI said the Election Commission filed the application with mala fide intentions, claiming that the election regulator was seeking to circumvent and delay the implementation of the order as it aimed to deprive the party of its legitimate right. share of reserved seats. In response to the EC’s objection regarding the organisational structure of the PTI, the plea stated that the organisational structure of the party is well in place as the PTI has taken all necessary steps and is in full compliance with the applicable law. In response to another objection, the plea further stated that the party held its intra-party elections on March 3, 2024 when Barrister Gohar Khan was elected unopposed as the party president and Omar Ayub Khan was also elected unopposed as its general secretary. Later, the party submitted the details of its intra-party election to the ECP on March 4, 2024, the plea said, adding that the election body has since written a number of letters to the PTI, some of them addressed to Barrister Gohar Khan, addressing him as “PTI President”.
Sources 2/ https://islamabadpost.com.pk/pti-approaches-sc-imran-will-talk-to-establishment-only-in-national-interest/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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