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US-China talks agenda includes Taiwan, South China Sea, Russia, AI

US-China talks agenda includes Taiwan, South China Sea, Russia, AI


In addition to Taiwan and tariffs, when U.S. National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan and Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi meet this week, they will discuss combating drug trafficking, better communication between the two countries' militaries and enhanced artificial intelligence security, a senior White House official said Monday.

The meetings, scheduled to take place from Tuesday to Thursday in Beijingmust build on discussions that began at last year's summit in California between U.S. President Joe Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping.

Sullivan's trip to China was discussed by the two leaders last November. It has since been extensively planned and scheduled, and is now being executed in Beijing, National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said.

Sullivan's meeting, his fifth with Wang, will be the first trip by a U.S. national security adviser to Beijing since 2016, when Susan Rice of the Barack Obama administration visited.

Additionally, Sullivan is expected to discuss U.S. security concerns in the Indo-Pacific region, China's support for Russia's defense industrial base and other international flashpoints, including North Korea, the Middle East and Myanmar, a senior U.S. official said last week.

On Sunday, China's Foreign Ministry said Beijing viewed Sullivan's trip as an important step for both sides to implement common understandings reached by the two presidents when they met in San Francisco, but that Wang would take the opportunity to express serious concerns about Taiwan.

The U.S. side should abide by the one-China principle and the provisions of the three China-U.S. joint communiqués, and honor its commitment not to support Taiwan independence, the ministry said in a statement.

Kirby said the United States is looking to address growing tensions in the South China Sea, where China and the Philippines are embroiled in territorial disputes.

Manila on Monday criticized Beijing for its repeated aggressive, unprofessional and illegal actions in the waterway, accusing Chinese planes of carrying out dangerous maneuvers against a civilian aircraft patrolling over Scarborough Shoal and Subi Reef.

Kirby said Sullivan would also discuss maritime tensions across the Taiwan Strait and a range of other issues, including unfair economic practices.

The Chinese Foreign Ministry said it intends to impress upon Sullivan that countries outside the region should not do things that provoke confrontation or increase tensions.

China's territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests in the region have sufficient historical and legal basis, and regional countries have full confidence, wisdom and capability to properly handle the issue, the statement added.




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