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Baroness Wilcox of Newport criticises 'Firebrand'

Baroness Wilcox of Newport criticises 'Firebrand'
Baroness Wilcox of Newport criticises 'Firebrand'


Baroness Wilcox of Newport criticises 'Firebrand'

Alicia Vikander as Katherine Parr | Image by: Contributor: FlixPix / Alamy Stock Photo

Baroness Wilcox of Newport

3 minutes reading

A decidedly modern take on the relationship between Henry VIII and his sixth wife Katherine Parr, this film may have a controversial conclusion but is still worth watching.

Brandon The book opens with this title: “History teaches us many things, especially about men and war. As for the rest of humanity, we must draw our own, often far-fetched, conclusions.”

Without starting this review with spoilers, let me just tie the phrase “crazy conclusions” to certain aspects of this film, particularly the final scenes.

This is the first English-language film by Brazilian director Karim Aïnouz and it debuted at the 2023 Cannes Film Festival. The film follows the final years of Henry VIII's reign and his relationship with his sixth and final wife, Katherine Parr.

The characterization and plot development are clearly written with a modern sensibility and the film attempts to bring a feminist perspective to the relationship between the main protagonists while exploring themes of power, religion, loyalty and betrayal.

Henry is played brilliantly and sometimes uncomfortably by Jude Law.

Henry, in his last gasps as king, is masterfully and sometimes uncomfortably played by Jude Law, who has come a long way from the spoiled but sensual playboy Dickie Greenleaf in The Talented Mr RipleyLaw's physical beauty is buried deep beneath the costume and persona of the tyrannical king who has upended the British state by religiously dividing it from Rome. His research in preparation for the role revealed that Henry's rotting leg ulcer could be smelled three rooms away. Law hired a perfumer to recreate the horrible stench, which he wore constantly on set – and which was barely tolerated by the cast and crew.

Astute historians will no doubt spot the romanticized aspects of the storyline, but nonetheless the themes and issues that arise from the interaction between a despot – who literally changed the religion of his subjects to appease his own demands for a male heir – and his sixth and final wife – who was the only one to remain married to him and survive him – are powerful.

Katherine Parr is played by Alicia Vikander, an actress of unparalleled beauty and grace. It is difficult to show the inner life of a character who must be very careful about everything he says and does. Spies are everywhere at the Tudor court. Appointed regent general in Henry's absence, while he continued his wars in France, this is where the film's story begins.

Firebrand PosterKatherine's early encounter with her childhood friend Anne Askew (a brilliant Erin Doherty) provides an early glimpse into the Queen's character. The risk Katherine would take in meeting Anne is immediately apparent, as she is a controversial Protestant preacher whom Katherine cannot openly support for fear of being accused of heresy.

Katherine must subvert herself to survive, which directly ties into our modern understanding of abusive relationships. In scenes without Henry, she is presented as a wise and careful stepmother to the king's children, especially the future Queen Elizabeth I, and we discover that Katherine was the first woman in England to have a book published under her own name.

The ending of the film is probably the most controversial aspect, but if it is seen as an alternative interpretation of Katherine's story for a modern audience – as opposed to the actual story – then Brandon definitely worth watching.

Baroness Wilcox of Newport is a Labour peer

Directed by : Karim Aïnouz
Place: General release at the cinema
Distributed by: MetFilm Distribution

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