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Are Chinese diplomatic partnerships entering a new era? – The China-South project

Are Chinese diplomatic partnerships entering a new era? – The China-South project
Are Chinese diplomatic partnerships entering a new era? – The China-South project


By Lukas Fiala

Studying Chinese foreign policy means confronting the sometimes ambiguous but nonetheless intriguing rhetoric of Chinese foreign policy. China’s tiered partnership framework is a good example. Last year Iwrote abouton this subject, arguing that Chinese partnerships are based on a relational logic of diplomacy and that their ambiguity can sometimes be beneficial for Beijing, particularly when it comes to keeping partners at a distance in situations where China does not wish to get more involved.

However, with Xi Jinping's proposal at the latest Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) to elevate the continent's relations with China to the level of a strategic partnership, it is worth revisiting how the framework China's diplomatic relations are evolving.

In aexcellent primerWriting on the subject for the Jamestown Foundation, analyst Jacob Mardell argues that a move toward ironclad partnerships heralds a departure from previous concepts such as global and strategic partnerships. Added more recently to China's relations with 30 African countries as well as other key partners such as Kazakhstan, the term “all-weather” was first used to describe China's relations with Pakistan. Only from 2019 did China expand this category to countries like Belarus (2022), Venezuela and Ethiopia (2023), as well as Uzbekistan and Hungary (2024).

Additionally, Mardell shows how recent partnership enhancements have also made reference to the community of common destiny or shared future () and the words new era (). Both are associated with Xi Jinping's signature foreign policy vocabulary. Indeed, according to the CCP's official nomenclature, the new era began with the 18th Party Congress in 2012, when Xi became general secretary of the Communist Party.

As is often the case in Chinese diplomatic rhetoric, the precise meaning of these terms is not universally fixed. Instead, they can acquire contextual meaning. This was the case, for example, when only Pakistan was designated as an ironclad partner, reflecting the deep cooperation in economic, security and diplomatic engagements between Beijing and Islamabad.

The expansion of this category beyond Pakistan, however, suggests that Beijing finds it useful to reframe its relations with countries it considers strategically important. At FOCAC, for example, both sides agreed to describe Africa-China relations as “all-weather” and “new era.” This upgrade at the continental level demonstrates China's ambition to foster coalitions across the Global South in the context of competition with the United States, with Beijing trying to adapt its official rhetoric to give voice to a alternative to the Western-led world order.

The key question is whether governments in the Global South, and in Africa in particular, will buy into this rhetoric. Many will likely find alternative visions of global governance attractive, particularly those that emancipate non-Western voices.

At the same time, however, they might look for clearer signs about what Beijing's new vocabulary actually means in terms of concrete commitments to economic and security cooperation, among other things. These links will have to be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

Nonetheless, it seems clear that Beijing is bolstering its bid for 21st-century leadership with a shifting array of diplomatic concepts that enshrine an increasingly competitive coexistence with the United States and the Western-led international order.

Lukas Fiala is the project manager of Chinese outlook has LSE IDEAS.




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