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WATCH: Trump Spreads False Narrative About Rising Migrant Crime at Colorado Rally

WATCH: Trump Spreads False Narrative About Rising Migrant Crime at Colorado Rally
WATCH: Trump Spreads False Narrative About Rising Migrant Crime at Colorado Rally


AURORA, Colo. (AP) Donald Trump took a detour Friday from battleground states to visit a Colorado suburb that has made headlines for illegal immigration as he drives a message that migrants cause chaos in small American towns, often using false or misleading information. claims to do so.

Watch Trump's remarks in the player above.

Trump's rally in Aurora marked the first time before the November election that either presidential campaign visited Colorado, which votes reliably statewide Democratic.

The Republican candidate has long promised to stage the largest deportation operation in U.S. history and has made immigration central to his political persona since the day he launched his first campaign in 2015. In recent months, Trump has identified specific smaller communities that have seen mass migrant arrivals, with local strains over resources and some longtime residents expressing distrust of sudden demographic changes.

Aurora came into the spotlight in August when a video circulated showing armed men running through a building housing Venezuelan migrants. Trump has widely claimed that Venezuelan gangs were taking over buildings, although authorities say it was only a single block of the suburbs near Denver and that the area is safe again.

Ignoring denials from local officials, Trump painted a picture of apartment complexes overrun by barbaric thugs, blaming President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, Trump's Democratic rival.

They are ruining your state, Trump said of Democrats in the White House.

No one who inflicted the violence and terror that Kamala Harris inflicted on this community can ever be allowed to become president of the United States, Trump added.

Trump planned to announce that as president he would launch Operation Aurora to focus on deporting members of the Venezuelan Tren de Aragua, or TDA, gang, according to a senior campaign official who spoke under on condition of anonymity to preview Trump's speech. This violent gang has its origins over a decade ago in an infamous, lawless prison with hardened criminals.

Trump planned to repeat his promise to invoke the Alien Enemies Act, a 1798 law that allows the president to expel any non-citizen from a country with which the United States is at war.

In July, the Biden administration imposed sanctions on the gang, placing it alongside El Salvador's MS-13 and Italy's Camorra mafia on a list of transnational criminal organizations and offering $12 million in rewards for the arrest of three leaders.

In the room where he appeared Friday, participants filled a large conference room, specially set up for Trump's visit to Aurora: on stage, posters showed photos of people in orange prison with descriptions, including gang members illegal immigrants from Venezuela.

Stephen Miller, a former top aide who is expected to take on an important role in the White House if Trump wins, showed the posters as he spoke to the crowd before Trump's appearance.

Look at all these photos around me,” Miller said. Are these the children you grew up with? Are these the neighbors you grew up with? Are these the neighbors you want in your city? The crowd yelled “no” in response.

Some Colorado Democratic leaders have accused Trump and other Republicans of exaggerating Aurora's problems.

What is happening is minimal and isolated. And to be clear, that's never acceptable, is it? We never say any level is acceptable, said Rep. Jason Crow, D-Colo. But it's not a push. It's not a change. There is no takeover of any part of this city, of any apartment complex. This did not happen. It's a lie.

Trump and his running mate, Ohio Sen. JD Vance, also spread lies about a community in Springfield, Ohio, where they claimed Haitian immigrants were accused of stealing and eating pets .

Even though Ohio and Colorado are not competitive in the presidential race, the Republican message on immigration is aimed at states that are. Vance recently campaigned in Eau Claire, Wisconsin, a city of 70,000 that has resettled refugees from Africa and Asia, and touted Trump's plan to speed up deportations. He argues that small communities have been overrun by immigrants who tax local resources.

Trump has pledged to deport not only criminals, a promise he shares with Harris, but also Haitians living legally in Springfield and even people he has denigrated as pro-Hamas radicals protesting on campuses academics. Trump said he would revoke temporary protected status that allows Haitians to stay in the United States because of widespread poverty and violence in their home country.

Trump repeatedly blames Harris and Biden for allowing record numbers of arrivals, saying it fuels violent crime, although the numbers show a continuing downward trend after an era of crime surge the coronavirus pandemic.

During his election campaign, Trump uses specific cases of murders or attacks where the suspects are immigrants who arrived in the country illegally. He called them animals and suggested earlier this week that homicide suspects had bad genes.

Chris Haynes, an associate professor of political science at the University of New Haven who wrote a book on public opinion on immigration policies and has studied past presidents' messages on immigration, says it's part of what he calls episodic branding. That could make some moderate voters reevaluate who they want to support, he said.

What worked for him early on was vilifying immigrants, but also trying to make people feel like they were a threat, Haynes said, saying some of his rhetoric also appeals. low-propensity voters who are part of his base.

Harris has moved to the right on immigration, presenting herself as a candidate who can get tough on policing the border, which is seen as one of her biggest vulnerabilities.

She capped her three-day western swing with a campaign event Friday in Scottsdale, Ariz., where Harris said she would create a bipartisan council of advisers to advise on her policy initiatives if she makes it to the White House.

I like good ideas, wherever they come from, said Harris, who is pushing for Republicans with doubts about Trump to support her.

She also accused Trump of letting Iran get away with it while he was in office and argued that she would be a greater champion of Israel's security than the Republican nominee.

Make no mistake, as president, I will never hesitate to take whatever action is necessary to defend American forces and interests against Iran and Iranian-backed terrorists, Harris said during a call with Jewish supporters before Yom Kippur. And I will never allow Iran to acquire nuclear weapons. Diplomacy is my preferred way to achieve this. But all options are on the table.

Harris accused Trump of doing nothing after Iranian-backed militias attacked US bases and troops.

But in fact, during his term, Trump had ordered strikes against Iranian-backed militias as well as an operation in January 2020 that killed Qassem Soleimani, the leader of Iran's elite Quds Force.

Harris participated virtually in a White House briefing with President Biden on recovery efforts after Hurricanes Milton and Helene. She sought to reassure those who suffered losses from the hurricane that they would receive government assistance.

Gomez reported from Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Associated Press writers Darlene Superville and Jonathan J. Cooper in Phoenix contributed.




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