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Harris media blitz and Trump campaign rallies capture Americans' attention

Harris media blitz and Trump campaign rallies capture Americans' attention



As the 2024 presidential election season enters its final weeks, Kamala Harris is attracting attention for a recent series of high-profile interviews, and Donald Trump for his campaign rallies, according to The Breakthrough, a CNN polling project which tracks what average Americans actually hear: reading and watching the presidential candidates throughout the contest. The survey also finds that dishonesty remains a central theme of the election, with lying being the most common word used in Trump's campaign.

This divide reflects something in every campaign strategy with just over two weeks until Election Day. As Harris and Trump hold rallies and speak with podcasters, Harris has stepped up her media appearances. Meanwhile, Trump has held or will hold large-scale rallies, including in decidedly blue states like California and New York, which some of his advisers say are attracting attention from both the media and voters who ignore usually political content.

The poll, conducted by SSRS and Verasight on behalf of a research team from CNN, Georgetown University and the University of Michigan, was conducted October 11-14. During that time, the survey found, both candidates remained clearly in the public eye: 69 percent of Americans said they had heard, read or seen something related to Harris in the past week, while a percentage A similar 73% said the same thing about Trump.

And for both, mentions of the broader campaign topic outweighed anything else. Campaign mentions accounted for 36% of responses about Harris and 28% of responses about Trump, an increase of 10 points for each candidate from the beginning of the month.

But the specifics of each candidate differed. The most common word used to describe news stories about Harris was interview, with Americans referring to her appearances on CBS's 60 Minutes and the Call Her Daddy podcast, as well as interviews with Howard Stern and Stephen Colbert. The poll suggests that the audience for these appearances often varied widely: the average age of respondents mentioning Call Her Daddy in reference to Harris was 32, for example, while the average age of those mentioning 60 Minutes was 52 years old.

(I've) heard a lot about Kamala Harris over the last few days, one respondent wrote. She's doing the media blitz that everyone wanted.

In contrast, when Americans were asked to describe the news regarding Trump, the word rally was the second most common word used in response. The responses mentioned Trump's events in cities ranging from Aurora, Colorado, to Coachella, California, as well as his plans for an upcoming rally at New York's Madison Square Garden.

I follow him on Instagram, wrote another respondent. He publishes all his political meetings there.

Democrats, in particular, were also likely to mention Detroit. During a speech at the Detroit Economic Club, Trump called the city a developing zone, warning that our entire country would end up looking like Detroit if Harris won the presidency.

The poll dates came just after Hurricane Milton made landfall in Florida, and like the survey conducted a week before, it found considerable attention to recent storms, with hurricane among the top five most used words in relation to the two candidates. When Republicans talked about Trump's response to the hurricane, it was often in conjunction with the words victim or help, according to the poll, while Democrats were more likely to mention it in the context of his misinformation about hurricanes .

The survey results mark the fifth consecutive week in which lie was one of the top five words used when talking about Trump, and the first time it topped the list.

I just heard him speak at his rallies on TV and all he does is LIE! »wrote one respondent.

The word also appeared in responses relating to Harris, but neither as consistently nor as prominently. And the poll also finds that the sentiment of responses using the word lie is somewhat less negative when it comes to Harris than to Trump, perhaps reflecting the fact that some respondents are using it in the context where Harris lied rather than lying to others.

I heard she was a liar, one respondent wrote. It does not help with either of the two hurricanes that hit our country.

Another wrote: I read that Kamala Harris is pleading for people to stop lying about hurricane relief and control.

The sentiment behind the words Americans used to describe what they heard about Harris remained slightly more positive than the words they used to describe the news about Trump, but by a much smaller margin than the discrepancies observed after the Democratic National Convention and the ABC presidential debate. Sentiment does not refer to candidates' personal feelings, but to how the terms and tones used to describe them tend to be framed in a positive or negative way.

CNN's Jennifer Agiesta and Edward Wu contributed to this report.




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