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Kamala Harris and Donald Trump's campaigns were busy in Pennsylvania this week

Kamala Harris and Donald Trump's campaigns were busy in Pennsylvania this week


Less than two weeks before Election Day, Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump are making their final push to shore up voter support. The Harris and Trump campaigns are not letting up, focusing on Pennsylvania as the key to victory.

The Keystone State is aptly named as it will likely play a key role in the 2024 presidential election. Both campaigns have had busy schedules this week in Pennsylvania.

The Vice President will hold a town hall meeting this evening in Aston, Delaware County. His running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, will make campaign stops in Philadelphia on Friday.

But first, Harris stopped at the Famous 4th Street Deli in the city's Queen Village neighborhood.

The grocery store is a famous meeting place for politicians, from Barack Obama to Al Gore to Ed Rendell and the city's party leaders.

Harris was joined by Philadelphia Mayor Cherelle Parker and engaged in front of a packed room of supporters inside and took a few selfies. Harris also pointed out that we are under the two-week mark – in the homestretch – and that the impact of supporters and organizers will be felt in November.

But as the elections approach, how many voters are still there to influence?

“In terms of persuasion, I think about the people who were those swing voters, right? Whether they were from Obama to Trump and then from Trump to Biden, we're watching those voters pretty closely.” Lauren Cristella, president and CEO of Committee of the Seventy, said. “And then a lot of people have renounced their party affiliation. While the overall number of Republicans has increased, there is a certain segment of the Republican Party that has renounced its Republican registration and is now unaffiliated or third party.”

Current voter registration numbers from the Pennsylvania Department of State show fewer voters registered as Democrats and an increase in Republican voters. But there is also an increase in the number of people registering for other parties or as unaffiliated.

Cristella said even if 1 percent of people are still undecided, that could make a big difference in a state like Pennsylvania.

Meanwhile, Trump will rally in State College on Saturday. His running mate, Ohio Sen. JD Vance, will hold a town hall meeting in Harrisburg on Saturday.

Both parties continue at a breakneck pace until Election Day.

Trump was in North Carolina on Tuesday for the second day in a row, where he claimed Harris was “totally unfit for office.” He did the same with retired generals who served in his administration.

“What a stupid group of people that was,” Trump said. “[Gen. James]Mattis, [Gen. Mark] Miley.”

An article published Tuesday by The Atlantic claims that in a private conversation while in office, Trump said: “I need the kind of generals that Hitler had. People who were totally loyal to him, who follow orders.”

Former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows denied the claim.

Walz responded to Hitler's alleged comments while in Wisconsin on Tuesday.

“As a 24-year veteran of our military,” Walz said, “this makes me sick.”

Earlier, former President Barack Obama joined Walz on the Wisconsin trail. Before joining Walz in Wisconsin, Obama rallied behind the Harris campaign in Detroit, Michigan, with rapper Eminem introducing him.

“What I don't understand is why anyone would think that Donald Trump is going to shake things up in a way that's good for you,” Obama said.

Obama will be in Philadelphia on Monday for a rally and concert with New Jersey rock star Bruce Springsteen.

Meanwhile, Harris swapped the campaign stage for interviews, telling NBC News she would not compromise on abortion rights.

“I don't think we should compromise when we talk about a fundamental freedom to make decisions about our own bodies,” Harris told NBC News.

Harris also said she and her team were prepared if Trump prematurely declared victory on Election Day.

Next week, Trump will be in the region again as the former president holds a roundtable discussion at Drexel Hill in Delaware County.

More from CBS News

Jan Carabeo




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