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Donald Trump reacts to John Kelly's remarks about 'Hitler generals'

Donald Trump reacts to John Kelly's remarks about 'Hitler generals'


Former President Donald Trump denounced John Kelly, his former chief of staff, for making derogatory comments about him, including accounts that Trump praised the generals of Nazi Germany's dictator Adolf Hitler during his tenure in the White House.

Kelly, a retired U.S. Marine general, said in remarks published Tuesday by The Atlantic that he saw Trump express admiration for “Hitler's generals” while he was president. The article also reported that Trump said he wanted “the kind of generals Hitler had” during a meeting at the White House.

In an interview published by The New York Times the same day, Kelly said he believed the former president was a “fascist” and a “dictatorial leader,” saying he saw Trump praise “the good things” that Hitler had made and confirming his A past account of Trump calling American soldiers killed or injured in combat “losers and losers.”

Trump weighed in on Kelly's remarks in an article published Wednesday in Truth Social, saying his longest-serving White House chief of staff was a “thug” who simply “invented” his memories by diagnosing him with “derangement syndrome of Trump.”

Then-President Donald Trump and White House Chief of Staff John Kelly are pictured at the White House in Washington, DC, July 31, 2017. Trump on Wednesday called his former chief of staff “a thug.” Trump and White House Chief of Staff John Kelly are pictured at the White House in Washington, DC, July 31, 2017. Trump on Wednesday called his former chief of staff a “thug” and claimed Kelly had ” fabricated” his story that Trump praised Nazi Germany’s dictator, Adolf Hitler. More from AFP/Getty Images

“Thank you for your support against a total degenerate named John Kelly, who made up a story based on pure hatred of Trump Derangement Syndrome!” Trump wrote. “This guy had two qualities that didn't go well together. He was tough and stupid. The problem was that his toughness turned into weakness, because he became JELLO over time! The soldiers' story was A LIE, as are many of the other stories he told.

“Even though I shouldn't waste my time on him, I still feel like it's necessary to fight back to find out THE TRUTH,” he added. “John Kelly is a LOWLIFE and a bad general, whose opinion I no longer asked at the White House and I told him to move on! His wife told me one day, at Camp David, John admires you a lot, and when he leaves the Military, he will only say good things about you.”

Although Trump's post did not specify whether he called his alleged praise of Hitler and Nazi generals a “lie,” Trump campaign adviser Alex Pfeiffer previously told Newsweek that the alleged remarks were “absolutely false” and that “President Trump never said that.” “.

Newsweek contacted Trump's office via email Wednesday evening for comment.

In the 2022 book The Divider: Trump in the White House, 2017-2021, journalists Peter Baker and Susan Glasser wrote that Trump once asked Kelly why he wasn't “like the German generals” when they both served in the White House.

Kelly reportedly responded to his boss at the time that German generals “tried to kill Hitler three times and almost succeeded,” prompting Trump to tell him he was wrong and claim the generals were “totally loyal” to Hitler.

Harris delivered a campaign speech from the vice president's official residence on October 23 in Washington, D.C., where she addressed Kelly's claims. Allegations have circulated online accusing him of violating the Hatch Act. This has been debunked.

Updated 10/23/24, 10:19 p.m.: This article has been updated with more context and information.

Updated 10/24/24, 9:39 a.m.: This article has been updated with more information.




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