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Elon Musk's work supporting Donald Trump reflects his way of doing business

Elon Musk's work supporting Donald Trump reflects his way of doing business


Elon Musk's efforts to build support for Donald Trump reflect the way the Tesla CEO runs his businesses. The intensity of the founder mode that Musk brings to business is creating waves in politics. As of Friday, Musk had spent just under $119 million on his pro-Trump America. PAC.

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In 2018, before he owned the place, Elon Musk posted on Twitter, now X, that “no one ever changed the world with 40 hours a week.”

Musk is now deploying intensity, money and breaking his brand norms to elevate a brand beyond his business empire: Donald Trump.

The Tesla CEO has been storming the swing state of Pennsylvania, holding his own rallies and handing out million-dollar checks to a lucky few who sign his petition.

As of Friday, Musk had spent just under $119 million on his pro-Trump America PAC and donated $924,600 to Trump 47, a joint fundraising committee.

Musk is known for this level of effort in running his businesses. His stories of getting things done at all costs are legendary, including sleeping on a couch in his factories and on the floor under his desk so his workers could see him when they changed shifts.

Musk is going into “founder mode” for many. The intensity he brings to business has made him the richest man in the world, and he has built a loyal following at numerous events. He garners the kind of cheers and applause usually reserved for rock stars.

Communications and political science experts who have studied Musk's approach to business told Business Insider that his political efforts share similar DNA to the way he runs his companies.

“He brought all of those same types of mechanisms and strategies from his leadership style to his involvement in politics,” Brian Ott, a communications professor at Missouri State University, told BI.

Neither Musk nor the Trump campaign responded to a request for comment from BI.

A new measure of success

Musk supported Trump in July following the assassination attempt on the former president. Since then, Musk has been actively campaigning for Trump.

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“I have never been politically active before; I am now because I believe the future of America and the future of civilization is at stake,” Musk said at a town hall meeting he organized Saturday in the township of Swatara, Pennsylvania.

The race remains particularly close ten days before the elections.

A national poll released Friday by The New York Times and Siena College finds Trump and Harris tied for the popular vote, 48% to 48%.

It's unclear exactly what kind of impact Musk's efforts in support of Trump have had. However, he shows no signs of slowing down. He distributed $1 million checks to registered voters in key states who sign his petition in support of the First and Second Amendments.

Agustin Ferrari Braun, a media researcher at the University of Amsterdam, told BI that Musk's efforts could inspire his fans to drum up support for Trump on social platforms like X.

That could lead to more of them becoming invested in Trump's campaign than they otherwise would have, Ferrari Braun said.

He said it's an approach not unlike how Musk handled difficult electric vehicle deployments at Tesla. Musk created a narrative, and he essentially “wanted it,” Ferrari Braun said.

Ferrari Braun said Musk uses his celebrity to get people to buy into a vision.

“He’s trying to do the same thing for the elections,” Ferrari Braun said.




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