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India and China begin implementing new border pact, ending Himalayan standoff

India and China begin implementing new border pact, ending Himalayan standoff


Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chinese President Xi Jinping
Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chinese President Xi Jinping meet on the sidelines of the BRICS summit in Kazan, Russia, October 23, 2024. China Daily via REUTERS ATTENTION EDITORS – THIS IMAGE WAS PROVIDED BY A THIRD PARTY. CHINA OUT.

India and China have begun implementing a deal aimed at ending a military standoff on their disputed Himalayan border, both sides announced Friday.

It is the biggest thaw between the Asian giants since deadly clashes between their armies four years ago.

Troops that were face to face at two points on the border in the western Himalayas have begun to withdraw, an Indian government source said, signaling an end to the standoff.

The nuclear-armed neighbors reached a deal earlier this week on border patrols, which then paved the way for the first formal talks in five years between President Xi Jinping and Prime Minister Narendra Modi on the sidelines of a regional summit in Russia.

“According to the recently agreed solution between India and China… their frontline armies are implementing relevant work, with smooth progress so far,” Lin Jian, a ministry spokesperson, said on Friday. Chinese Foreign Affairs.

In New Delhi, a government official familiar with the details said troops from both sides had begun withdrawing from the Depsang and Demchok areas, the last points where they had come face to face.

The source spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the media on the matter.

India's foreign ministry did not immediately respond to a Reuters request for comment.

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Neither side provided details of the new agreement, which is expected to help improve political and trade ties damaged by a deadly military clash in 2020, when 20 Indian and four Chinese soldiers died in clashes in the Valley of Galwan.

Both sides had previously withdrawn troops from five other confrontation points, but the last troop withdrawal took place more than two years ago.

On Wednesday, Xi and Modi agreed to step up communication and cooperation in a bid to help resolve the conflict.

But Indian officials have said New Delhi will remain cautious and is willing to take only small steps toward establishing economic ties with Beijing, given the trust deficit of the past four years.

India had blocked direct flights with China, banned hundreds of Chinese mobile apps and added layers of controls on Chinese investments, blocking virtually all major proposals from companies like BYD and Great Wall Motors.

Two Indian government sources said India would now consider opening the skies and speeding up visa approvals to complement the recent easing of tensions, but New Delhi is not yet ready to roll back all the measures it has taken. she has taken against Beijing in the near future.

The Asian giants went to war in 1962 over their undemarcated border, which has been a constant irritant in their relations.

(With inputs from Reuters)




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