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Chinese hackers targeted Trump and Vances' phone data

Chinese hackers targeted Trump and Vances' phone data



Hackers linked to the Chinese government targeted the telephone communications of former President Donald Trump and vice-presidential candidate JD Vance as part of a much broader cyberespionage effort aimed at high-profile US targets, officials said. two sources close to the matter told CNN.

The Chinese hackers also targeted people affiliated with the Harris-Walz campaign, another source familiar with the matter told CNN. Senior officials in the Biden administration were also targeted, one of the sources said.

U.S. officials informed the Trump campaign this week that Trump and Vance were among a group of people whose phones were targeted by Chinese hackers, one of the sources said. In a statement, Trump campaign spokesman Steven Cheung attacked the Harris campaign for allegedly emboldening China.

It was not immediately clear what data, if any, the hackers were able to access. The telephone communications of current and former senior American officials are coveted by foreign spies.

The U.S. government is investigating unauthorized access to commercial telecommunications infrastructure by actors affiliated with the People's Republic of China, the FBI and the U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) announced Friday.

After the FBI identified the hack targeting telecommunications companies, the FBI and CISA immediately notified the affected companies, provided technical assistance and quickly shared information to help other potential victims, the statement continued, adding that the The investigation was ongoing.

The New York Times first reported the hacking of Trump and Vances' phones.

This activity is part of a much larger Chinese hacking campaign that has infiltrated several U.S. telecommunications companies in recent months. Investigators believe the hackers are likely seeking sensitive national security information, including, in some cases, information about wiretap warrant requests made by the Justice Department, CNN previously reported.

In this case, there is no indication that the hackers are seeking data on Trump and Vance related to U.S. law enforcement activities, the sources said.

Major US broadband and internet providers AT&T, Verizon and Lumen are among the hackers' targets, CNN reported.

People investigating the intrusions were struck by the hackers' skill, persistence and ability to infiltrate computer networks, people briefed on the matter told CNN. The Chinese hacker team in question is known in the cybersecurity industry as Salt Typhoon.

U.S. officials briefed members of the House and Senate intelligence committees about China's hacking campaign.

This is a very serious violation that the committee monitors daily, Sen. Mark Warner, the Virginia Democrat who chairs the Intelligence Committee, told CNN earlier this month.

The House Homeland Security Committee is also investigating the hack.

This is a very concerning cyber breach, Rep. Mark Green, the Tennessee Republican who chairs the committee, told CNN in a separate interview this month. It's wide and it's deep

The Chinese government has denied the allegations.

This news comes as China, Iran and Russia continue to attempt to influence or monitor different aspects of the US elections. China did not make a concerted effort to influence the presidential election, but targeted at least 10 congressional, state or local elections with covert social media campaigns, according to U.S. intelligence agencies.

This story has been updated with additional reporting.




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