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Students Dare to Speak Out: Reveal 18 Controversial Points During Jokowi's Presidency

Students Dare to Speak Out: Reveal 18 Controversial Points During Jokowi's Presidency


JURNALPOSMEDIA.COMStudents spoke out on former Indonesian President Joko Widodo's 18 controversial points during his 10-year presidency. These points are offered for various sectors in Indonesia.

Criticism has been raised regarding the politics of political dynasties, the TNI's entry into the civilian domain, and the unresolved conflict in Papua. In interviews with two students, Khoirunnisa Febriani Sofwan and Dwita Samsiyah Siti Aulia, they expressed deep concern about the state of democracy and civil rights in Indonesia.

Khoirunnisa strongly criticized the political dynasty phenomenon involving Jokowi and his family.

“Those who themselves are involved in the political dynasty will definitely benefit, namely President Jokowi, his children and his family,” Khoirunnisa said on Monday (10/21/2024).

He also said that democracy in Indonesia is currently on the brink due to repressive actions against people demanding justice.

“The number of people silenced after speaking out for justice shows that democracy is under threat,” he said in an interview. Journalposmedia.

Khoirunnisa also criticized the TNI's entry into the civilian sphere, linking it to potential authoritarianism, referencing Suharto's history of leadership and the potential for weakening democracy.

Even though the country functions well, he believes that military leaders often ignore the aspirations of the people, as happened during the New Order era.

In terms of education, Khoirunnisa highlighted the negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and an education system that was not ready to deal with change.

“By implementing online education, the impact is not optimal, many students are instead taught by their parents,” he said.

Indonesia's increasingly narrow civil liberties are also an important point of this interview. Khoirunnisa called on the public not to stop speaking out in order to maintain democracy.

“We must remember, if the government forgets, maybe we can demonstrate in the streets so that our voices are heard,” he concluded.

Meanwhile, Dwita Samsiyah agreed with Khoirunnisa's views regarding the issues raised. Dwita pointed out that the political system of oligarchy has only benefited a handful of elites.

“In my opinion, the party that benefits the most is the government itself, because it belongs to the elite group,” he said.

Dwita added that the impact of oligarchy is very bad for democracy, namely that corruption will become even worse in our dear homeland.

“In my opinion, the impact of the oligarchy will be very bad because it will arise from a crisis of democracy and the level of corruption will become more and more widespread and will probably be difficult to overcome,” he said .

Dwita also added that the presence of the TNI in the civilian domain could reduce military professionalism.

“The entry of the TNI into the civilian field will be unbalanced, the professionalism of the TNI will be reduced,” he said.

Dwita identified communication problems between the government and the Papuan people as the main obstacle to resolving the conflict.

“Perhaps the main difficulty in resolving the conflict in Papua lies in terms of communication, which must be corrected immediately,” he explained.

Finally, Dwita highlighted the importance of socialization and public awareness in environmental protection.

“An important step must be massive reforestation…and public awareness of the importance of environmental protection and preservation,” he said.

Through these harsh criticisms, these students hope that the government will immediately take concrete measures to resolve the various problems facing the country, from politics to the environment to education.




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