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Read the heavily redacted police report describing an altercation between Trump staffers at Arlington National Cemetery.

Read the heavily redacted police report describing an altercation between Trump staffers at Arlington National Cemetery.


WASHINGTON (AP) The U.S. military has released an almost completely redacted version of the police report describing the moment a member of Donald Trump's campaign staff allegedly shoved an Arlington National Cemetery employee who tried to stop them from photographing a ceremony honoring service members killed in the Withdrawal from the war in Afghanistan.

Read the full report here.

Federal law prohibits campaign or election-related activities at Army national military cemeteries. The four sentences visible in the summary of the report released Friday by court order block a key word that appears to describe Trump campaign staff pushing the cemetery worker aside.

The Trump staffer is said to have used both hands to try to pass the cemetery worker. Both names have been redacted and the sworn statement the cemetery employee gave to police is completely blacked out.

Officials previously said the former president's staffer pushed the cemetery worker as she tried to stop two people from filming and photographing Trump's August visit to the Section 60 gravesites, a sacred section where American forces killed in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are buried.

The report says the cemetery employee refused medical treatment and said she did not want to press charges.

A lawsuit demanding the release of the police report was filed by the Washington-based government transparency group American Oversight, and a federal judge ordered it made public by Friday. The group published the report on its website.

Trump, the Republican presidential nominee, is in a tight race against Democratic Vice President Kamala Harris and the altercation has raised questions about his campaign's politicization of the military.

Trump was at the cemetery at the invitation of military families and brought staff to document the visit. He then shared a video of it on TikTok. The video shows scenes of him at the cemetery and includes a voiceover from the Republican presidential candidate blaming the Biden administration for the disaster of the August 2021 withdrawal from Afghanistan.

Chioma Chukwu, acting executive director of American Oversight, said in a statement that the group was pleased to have been able to release the report so the public can see that a federal investigation is still underway into the shooting incident. August at Arlington National. Graveyard.

Chukwu said the conduct of Trump and his team aligns with his history of politicizing the military and violating clear ethical boundaries, and it is time for the public to know all the facts.

In a letter accompanying the report, the Army's lead attorney, Paul DeAgostino, said the redactions were made to protect privacy and information collected for law enforcement purposes. He said the records were part of an ongoing investigation and their release could reasonably interfere with ongoing enforcement proceedings.

The Army echoed DeAgostino's comment, saying in a statement that it released the report to comply with the court order, adding that the police investigation remains open and therefore we are unable to comment. provide more information at this time.

The employee refused to press charges, so it is unclear what police procedures are underway.

The families of three of the soldiers killed in a suicide attack during the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan had invited Trump to a ceremony marking the third anniversary of the attack. They said the former president knew their children's stories and blamed the Biden administration for their deaths.

Some of those military families spoke out in support of Trump at the Republican National Convention in July, in part to sharply criticize Trump for not supporting veterans enough.

In previous comments, the Trump campaign claimed that the Republican presidential candidates' team had access to a photographer, disputed the allegation that a campaign staffer pushed the cemetery official and pushed back on any idea that the cemetery manager had been unfairly targeted.

A defense official previously said the Trump campaign was warned not to take photos in Section 60 before their arrival and the altercation.

At a campaign event in Michigan several days after the incident, Trump said family members asked to take a photo with him at the cemetery. They asked me for a photo and they said I was campaigning, he complained without addressing the TikTok video. .




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