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Key moments from Joe Rogan's three-hour podcast with Donald Trump

Key moments from Joe Rogan's three-hour podcast with Donald Trump


Top line

Former President Donald Trump engaged in a nearly three-hour friendly conversation with comedian Joe Rogan on his podcast The Joe Rogan Experience on Friday, which resulted in Trump once again suggesting he might eliminate the tax federal income tax if he became president, touting debunked election conspiracies. and suggest that there could be life on Mars, despite what scientists think.

The podcast was recorded on Friday. (AP Photo)

Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. Key facts

Eliminating Income Taxes: Trump was asked if he was serious about supporting eliminating income taxes and replacing them with tariffs, to which he replied “Yes, of course ” and praised the 25th US President William McKinley and the American economy of old (economists believe Trump's plan to increase tariffs on imported goods would lead to higher prices for consumers) .

2020 election claims debunked: Trump continued to say the 2020 election was stolen from him and suggested he could provide Rogan with as many different documents that would support his election fraud claims, although he did not provided specific details about how the election was stolen. , a statement he uses to galvanize his supporters.

Instead, Trump spoke vaguely about the lack of legislative approval for pandemic voting expansions and early voting, telling Rogan that you don't have to go further than that.

Trump then went off on a tangent into the Hunter Biden laptop controversy before quickly returning to the 2020 election results, saying I won by like, I lost by like, I didn't lose , which caused Rogan to laugh at the mistake.

Distrust of polls: Trump also expressed distrust of polls on the podcast and said that, without proof, there was likely a lot of fraud in the polls, which have him mostly tied or close with Vice President Kamala Harris less than two weeks until Election Day.

Rogan, who refused to have Trump on his show in 2022 and later called the former president an existential threat to democracy, told Trump he wanted to have him on the podcast after Trump's assassination attempt the former president in July, before Trump showed the role his ear was injured by a bullet.

Trump and Rogan challenged each other near the podcast hour, with Trump claiming that environmental consultants use environmental regulations as a way to benefit themselves and hinder construction projects, prompting Rogan to note that there are legitimate concerns about environmental impacts.

Rogan used the final minutes of the long-running podcast to get Trump's thoughts on extraterrestrial life, with the former president referencing great pilots who have seen very strange things and telling Rogan there's no reason not to think that Mars and all these planets do not have life, although scientists do. are not expecting to find life on Mars and are instead looking for signs of life from long ago, such as fossilized remains, according to NASA.

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Will Kamala Harris appear on the Rogans podcast?

She won't, a campaign spokesperson said Friday, citing scheduling conflicts. She appeared on the Call Her Daddy podcast with Alex Cooper and The Breakfast Club radio show this month.


Trump was nearly three hours late to his Friday night rally in Michigan due to his appearance on the Rogans podcast. He apologized to the participants, telling them he thought they wouldn't mind too much because we were trying to win.”

Surprising fact

Trump blasted Rogan earlier this year when the media personality said former presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. was the only candidate who wasn't trying to “gaslight” or “manipulate” voters . Trump then suggested in a Truth Social article that Rogan, who is also a UFC commentator, would be booed loudly in his next appearance on a UFC card.

Key context

Joe Rogan's podcast takes the top spot on Spotify's list of top podcasts and is part of an exclusive $200 million deal between the media personality and the streaming service. Rogan has consistently criticized Trump and Harris, calling him an existential threat to democracy and calling her the worst. However, Rogan gained support from Trump supporters thanks to conspiracy theories shared on his show, some of which landed him in hot water. Specifically, Rogan has faced backlash from Spotify and viewers regarding his approach to covering COVID-19 and the vaccines used to combat the disease. Rogan apologized two years ago for hosting several vaccine skeptics who spread misleading claims on his show, saying he would offer a more balanced set of views on the podcast and that it was a strange responsibility to have such a large audience.

What other podcasts has Trump appeared on?

Trump has made appearances on Internet shows with male-skewing audiences, such as comedian Andrew Shulz's Flagrant podcast, the prankster collective the Nelk Boys Full Send podcast, and the Barstool Sports podcast Bussin with the Boys. The former president also appeared on This Past Weekend with comedian Theo Von, a live stream with streamer Adin Ross, and the “Six Feet Under” podcast with wrestler Mark Calaway, also known as The Undertaker.

Further reading

Here are the biggest moments from the Trumps Bro podcast tour before Joe Rogan's appearance (Forbes)

Kamala Harris' Appearance Calling Her Daddy Divides Podcast Host Alex Coopers' Listeners (Forbes)




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