PTI Energy Fair in Peshawar postponed to November 9

— Gandapur says PTI's latest protest call aims to put 'final nail in government's coffin'
PESHAWAR: Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Chief Minister Ali Amin Gandapur on Saturday announced shifting of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) energy fair from November 8 to November 9, which will be held in Peshawar.
He said the event would now take place on November 9 at the Swabi Interchange, where a “final call” would be made to remove the current government.
Gandapur made the statement while addressing a press conference outside Adiala jail in Rawalpindi, where he had met PTI founder Imran Khan. He expressed frustration over the ongoing peaceful protests, which he said have led to mistreatment and arrests of PTI workers without retaliation from the party.
Condemning the alleged mistreatment of Khan in Adiala jail, Gandapur warned that such behavior towards the former prime minister would not be tolerated.
“We have developed a plan and are actively implementing it. We are ready to make a final appeal to get rid of this Form 47 government,” he said, noting that PTI leaders and supporters would take to the streets draped in shrouds.
The chief minister highlighted that the Swabi event would mark the start of the PTI protest movement, during which the leaders will map out the next steps, assign roles and prepare for the 'final call'.
He clarified that the party did not cancel its planned protest but simply shifted it from Peshawar to Swabi.
Asked about his involvement in Bushra Bibi's release, Gandapur declined to comment, saying he would have been open about his role if he had played one.
He also dismissed rumors of deals between the PTI and the coalition government or the establishment, urging party members to ignore such speculations as the ruling authorities often seek to mislead them.
Gandapur encouraged party activists to remain focused on the anti-government movement. Responding to criticism over his absence from the D-Chowk protest in Islamabad, he denied allegations that he had abandoned previous protests, saying he had regularly attended the protests despite the obstacles faced.
He explained that the police damaged his vehicle and confiscated his property, including his cell phone, which has not yet been returned. He added that all data on the phone was deleted before it was seized.
The Chief Minister asserted that the PTI would continue to protest against the present government until it regains what he called the “stolen mandate” and restores the rule of law and the Constitution in the country.
This important announcement follows a series of protests by the opposition party aimed at pressuring the government over judicial reforms linked to recent constitutional amendments.
Before the Gandapur remarks, PTI General Secretary Salman Akram Raja had announced plans to launch a nationwide protest against the 26th Constitutional Amendment, terming it an attack on the Constitution of Pakistan and the system judicial.
Earlier this month, the PTI had planned a protest at D-Chowk on October 15, but the political committee postponed it due to the two-day SCO summit in Islamabad.
Sources 2/ https://www.pakistantoday.com.pk/2024/11/02/ptis-power-show-in-peshawar-shifted-to-november-9/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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