President Trump, again? Its equation with leaders around the world, its likely impact

2024 US election results: Republican candidate Donald Trump appears ready to return at the White House. A second Trump presidency, at a time when the United States is deeply involved in two wars in two corners of the world, could bring some unpredictability to the international community. Trump is known for making statements that go against established US policy towards organizations like NATO and the UN. He also praised leaders who are not U.S. allies.
Here's Trump's relationship with various world leaders and how it could impact U.S. politics.
Trump and Vladimir Putin
Trump appears to have undisguised admiration for strongman Putin and has promised to end the war in Ukraine within a day if he comes to power. Experts believe he intends to achieve this by forcing Ukraine to cede certain territories to Russia.
When Russia's action in Ukraine began in February 2022, Trump called Putin a common sense and a genius. …It’s genius. Putin says much of Ukraine is independent. Oh, that's wonderful, Trump said in a radio interview with The Clay Travis and Buck Sexton Show, reported by Politico. He used the word independent and was going to go out and in and help keep the peace. You have to say it's pretty smart, Trump added.
In February this year, Trump claimed to have told NATO countries that he would encourage Russia to do whatever it wanted if NATO members did not pay their bills.
During his presidency, Trump said he believed Putin's assurances that Russia did not interfere in the 2016 US election.
But personal bonhomie aside, Trump, as president, had imposed sanctions on Russia.
Trump and Xi Jinping
As with Putin, with Chinese President Xi Jinping as well, Trump has taken an approach of praising him personally, but his admiration is not reflected in his policies.
In 2023, Trump called Xi smart, brilliant, everything was perfect, as Politico reports. Earlier this year, he said on Fox News that he gets along very well with Xi. Look, I want China to do well, I do. And I really like President Xi, he was a very good friend during my term, Trump said.
In 2020, while still president, Trump said in Davos: “Our relationship with China has probably never been better. ” He [Xi] it's for China, I'm for the United States, but other than that, we love each other.
However, amid the Covid-19 pandemic, Trump has repeatedly referred to the coronavirus as the “Chinese virus” and blamed China for its spread.
In terms of policy, the US administration under Trump has presented China as a threat and strategic rival. No American president before him had explicitly presented Beijing as a strategic threat. This time too, he promised to increase tariffs on Chinese imports.
Trump and Benjamin Netanyahu
When Trump was in office, he had excellent relations with Netanyahu and his government strongly supported Israel. As Trump himself said in January 2020: “As everyone knows, I have done a lot for Israel: moving the United States Embassy to Jerusalem; recognize the Golan Heights and, frankly, and perhaps more importantly, withdraw from the terrible Iran nuclear deal.
Trump also oversaw the signing of the Abraham Accords, which normalized Israel's ties with the four Arab countries of Sudan, Morocco, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates.
Trump's ties with Netanyahu deteriorated after the latter congratulated Joe Biden on his victory in an election that Trump called rigged. According to Israeli journalist Barak Ravid, Trump told him: “I loved Bibi. I still love Bibi. But I also like loyalty. The first person to congratulate Biden was Bibi. And not only did he congratulate him, but he did it on tape… He was very early, earlier than most of the others. I haven't spoken to him since. Fuck him. Trump also criticized the Israeli leader for his failure to prevent the Hamas attack on October 7.
However, both leaders have worked to improve their relations. In July this year, Trump hosted Netanyahu and his wife Sara at Mar-a-Lago, his Florida resort.
Trump and MBS
Trump's admiration for strongman leaders extends to Saudi Arabia's crown prince and de facto leader, Mohammed bin Salman (MBS). While in office, Trump's first foreign visit was to Saudi Arabia. While the United States and the desert kingdom have always enjoyed a strong oil-security relationship, Trump's personal attachment to MBS has given him a boost.
Trump did not criticize MBS for his alleged human rights abuses in Saudi Arabia, nor did he reprimand the Saudi leader, even for the murder of Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi. He vetoed attempts to limit military assistance to Saudi Arabia.
Journalist Bob Woodward, in his book Rage, claims that Trump claimed to have protected MBS. I saved his ass. “I was able to convince Congress to leave him alone,” Trump told Woodward.
In April this year, Trump and MBS had a conversation. In October, Trump told Saudi state broadcaster Al Arabiya that he had so much respect for the king, so much respect for Mohammed, who is doing very well. I mean, he really is a visionary. He did things that no one else would have thought of.
Trump and his son-in-law Jared Kushner also have business interests in staying on MBS's good side.
Sources 2/ https://indianexpress.com/article/explained/explained-global/trump-equation-with-xi-putin-mbs-netanyahu-likely-impact-9656465/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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