Imran sees 'positivity' in Trump's victory, says Biden's 'negativity' may ease: PTI leader

PTI leader Ali Muhammad Khan addressing a session of the National Assembly in this undated image. Facebook/@NaofPakistanI am optimistic about Trump's victory and hope that relations with the United States will improve. The PTI claims that the Biden administration has created “negativity” towards Pakistan. PTI abroad sees Trump returning to help Imran amid political tensions.
Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) chief Ali Muhammad Khan said party founder Imran Khan expressed optimism following Donald Trump's victory over Kamala Harris in the recently concluded US presidential elections.
Imran believes Trump's return could ease the “negativity” towards Pakistan that the former federal minister said has intensified under the Biden administration.
Speaking on Geo News' 'Aaj Shahzeb Khanzada Kay Saath' on Wednesday, Ali revealed that when he was informed of Trump's victory, the incarcerated party founder noted the positive relations they shared during his own tenure as prime minister, comparing them to what he described as the interference and hostility of the Joe Biden-led government.
Then-President Donald Trump (R) participates in a bilateral meeting with then-Prime Minister Imran Khan at the InterContinental New York Barclay. White House
The PTI has long denounced US interference in Imran's ouster from the post of prime minister in April 2022. “It [Imran] pointed out that under the Biden administration, there was interference in Pakistan's affairs. [domestic] business; There were negatives.”
Trump won back the White House with a landslide victory Wednesday as tens of millions of Americans ignored his criminal accusations and divisive rhetoric to embrace the Republican leader.
Trump, 78, won Tuesday's election after a polarizing and dizzying campaign marked by two attempts on his life and the late entry of Kamala Harris into the race following the surprise withdrawal of President Joe Biden.
Ali added that PTI supporters abroad view Trump's return as potentially beneficial to Imran's political standing, hoping it could ease political and diplomatic challenges.
There will certainly be an impact [once the Trump administration] supports. It is a good development if positive people come to power with whom we have good relations,” he explained.
“The foreign section, which had campaigned for the release of Khan Sahib, believes that once Trump comes to power, it will make things easier for Imran or at least there will be a reduction in the negativity that existed under the Biden administration.”
Highlighting Imran's commitment to remaining in Pakistan despite ongoing challenges, Ali noted the PTI founder's willingness to face all legal restrictions from the current government, saying that with the neutrality of state institutions, political conditions could improve.
Defense Minister Khawaja Asif attends a meeting in Moscow, Russia, February 20, 2018. Reuters
Meanwhile, speaking on Geo News special show on US elections, Defense Minister Khawaja Asif said the government believed Trump would not seek PTI founder's release from prison after his entry in function.
“We don't think Trump will ask for the release of the PTI founder. Let's wait for 15-20 days and see what position he takes,” the defense minister said.
During the same transmission, PTI chief Raoof Hasan said the party never hoped that Imran would be released after Trump's victory.
“We have never pinned hope nor do we count on Trump's victory. We have obtained the support of the judiciary, Parliament and protests for the release of the PTI founder,” he said. he asserted.
Raoof said no such discussion had taken place within the parliamentary party.
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