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Mattarella in China, meeting with Xi Jinping: No to the threat of use of force between States

Mattarella in China, meeting with Xi Jinping: No to the threat of use of force between States


Do not give in to the temptation of anachronistic returns to a world of opposing blocks. Do not erect unjustified barriers, as dictated by the meaning of multilateralism, based on certain, shared and binding rules for all. Above all, the rule which prohibits the use and even the threat of force in relations between states. With this clear message, Head of State Sergio Mattarella concluded his speech at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, after his meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping. This was the most important meeting of Mattarella's trip to the Land of the Dragon. The objective is twofold. On the one hand, inject more dynamic energy for a new starting point” between Italy and China, as Xi said. On the other hand, working together to “resolve differences through dialogue”: in the world “there are changes that we do not see in the world”. a century” and the objective is “to achieve harmonious coexistence”. Ukraine. During the day, China and Italy signed 10 agreements and memorandums in the presence of their respective heads of state, in the framework of their participation in the Italy-China conflict Cultural Forum These agreements range from cinematic cooperation to competition.

Mattarella: “A work of conciliation in the face of global challenges”

Mattarella's call for constructive coexistence that would be an impetus for joint conciliatory work in the face of global challenges came at the end of a speech that first highlighted the mutual fascination of the Chinese and Italian peoples with their cultural traditions. respective and extraordinary. distant roots, in art, music, theater, literature. A relationship that has developed over the centuries, between two cradles of ancient civilizations, cosmopolitan cultural centers, always on the basis of natural mutual respect. An example of this is the figure of Marco Polo, whose death this year marks the seven hundredth anniversary, celebrated in the “Journey of Knowledge” exhibition. “Il Milione de Marco Polo and his legacy between East and West”, at the Word Art Museum in Beijing, visited by Mattarella before the meeting with Xi Jinping.

“Focus on culture to solidify economic growth”

As part of the third plenary meeting of the Italy-China Cultural Forum, attended by Deputy Prime Minister and Director of Farnesina Antonio Tajani, Mattarella spoke about the prospect of developing lasting ties in the cultural field, from the exchanges between universities to the study of their respective languages, from cooperation between museum institutions, between theaters and lyrical and symphonic organizations to the promotion of increasingly conscious sustainable tourism, also strengthening the common commitment to the protection of UNESCO sites. Also because, he added, fully deploying the potential of the respective artistic heritages and cultural and creative industries also contributes to making economic growth more solid. For Mattarella, intercultural dialogue plays a fundamental role in creating strong and lasting relationships not only between States, but also and above all between peoples: culture increases the dignity of people.

Xi: “Mattarella is a good friend of mine”

“After seven years, I welcome you to pay another state visit to China” as “an old friend of the Chinese people and a good friend of mine,” President Xi Jinping said during his meeting with Mattarella. “In recent years, she and I have successfully exchanged visits and maintained close communication through telephone calls and letters. Each exchange can deepen friendship and build mutual trust.”

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Between war in Ukraine and trade relations

Mattarella's visit is part of Prime Minister Meloni's recent institutional trip: after the failure to renew Italian participation in the Silk Road, an attempt is being made to give new life to cooperation between the two countries . But, as mentioned, other themes are also central:THE war in Ukrainewith an increasingly close alliance between Putin and Xi, and trade relations, with Italy trying to increase its exports to China. In fact, the import-export balance is currently unbalanced on Beijing's side, between 50 billion and just under 20 billion. However, the ground is slippery: China has already been rejected by the European decision to impose new customs duties on the import of electric cars produced by Dragon. Indeed, during the meeting between the two heads of state, the need to achieve a freer global market, without barriers, was also discussed.

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EU, new taxes on electric vehicles imported from China: protests from Beijing




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