Chinese leader Xi Jinping gives moon dust to visiting Italian President Sergio Mattarella

Chinese President Xi Jinping presented his Italian counterpart Sergio Mattarella with a collection of soil taken from the Moon by the Chang'e-5 lunar probe.
The gifts included 1 gram of samples taken and drilled on the moon for research purposes and an additional 0.3 micrograms of soil kept inside an ornament, state broadcaster CCTV reported.
Mattarella is on a six-day visit to China, which ends Tuesday. Last year, Italy, which was the only Group of 7 country to join China's Belt and Road Initiative, removed from infrastructure project.
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China has already given French and Russian Presidents Emmanuel Macron and Vladimir Putin on lunar soil. The Chang'e-5 samples constitute the youngest soil ever reported on Earth, providing insight into the Moon's recent history.
The country's most recent lunar expedition, Chang'e-6, brought back samples from the far side of the Moon and Beijing has invited international scientists to study them.
Xi and Mattarella also inspected a collection of Chinese cultural relics returned from Italy as part of a deal to prevent the illegal sale of historical items.
China's National Cultural Heritage Administration said Friday that Italy has returned 56 cultural relics and works of art to China.
They include Neolithic painted pottery from the Majiayao culture as well as objects from famous dynasties such as the Han and Tang and the Mongol era.
The Italian presidency plays a largely ceremonial role and the decision to leave the Belt and Road Initiative was taken last year by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni.
During his meeting with Mattarella on Friday, Xi said the two countries should continue cultural exchanges and cooperation, mentioning medieval Venetian explorer Marco Polo.
“In the 13th century, the great Italian traveler perceived and depicted China without any prejudice, opening the door for the Western world to learn more about China,” Xi said.
“As two ancient civilizations, China and Italy should uphold our traditions of openness and inclusiveness, encourage the international community to resolve differences through dialogue and transcend conflicts through cooperation, while together building a harmonious world,” he said.
Mattarella said his country views China as an important cooperation partner and will strengthen cooperation in areas such as science, technology and trade, according to CCTV.
Sources 2/ https://finance.yahoo.com/news/chinese-leader-xi-jinping-gives-093000858.html The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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