Israeli attack on Almat in Lebanon kills 23 people, including seven children | Israel attacks Lebanon

Israeli attacks killed at least 38 people across Lebanon on Sunday, including 23 in an airstrike on the Lebanese village of Almat, according to the Lebanese Health Ministry.
The predominantly Shiite Muslim village of Almat, in the Jbeil district, is about 30 km north of the capital Beirut and is located in a predominantly Christian area.
The village lies outside Hezbollah's traditional strongholds south of Beirut and south and east of Lebanon, which Israel has heavily bombed since late September in its war against the Iran-backed group.
The Israeli enemy's strike on Almat, in the Jbeil district, killed 23 people, including seven children, in an updated but not definitive toll, the Ministry of Health said in a statement on Sunday.
He also said body parts were recovered from the site and were being identified.
Reporting from Beirut, Al Jazeera's Imran Khan noted that this is only the second time the area has been attacked since fighting intensified between Israel and Hezbollah.
He added that an Israeli attack on Sidon in southern Lebanon killed three rescue workers later on Sunday.
It is very clear now that the brunt of the devastation that has taken place, whether in the south or other parts of Lebanon, is being borne by civilians, Khan said.
The Health Ministry said 53 people were killed in Saturday's Israeli attacks and at least 99 people were injured.
Lebanese state media also reported that an Israeli attack hit a house in the eastern town of Baalbek, which was not preceded by an order for the forced movement of Israeli forces.
Enemy planes launched a strike on a house in the city's al-Laqees neighborhood, the Lebanese National News Agency reported.
Since September 27, the Israeli military has issued several evacuation warnings, ordering residents to flee their homes. While the Israeli military claims that evacuation orders are intended to protect the Lebanese civilian population, in reality evacuation orders are not always given.
The Israeli military said that in its latest attacks it hit Hezbollah infrastructure in the Tire and Baalbek regions, including fighters, operational apartments and weapons stores.
In retaliation, Hezbollah said it launched rocket attacks against Israeli forces in the southern Lebanese town of Shebaa and the settlement of HaGoshrim in northern Israel. The attacks took place early Sunday morning.
Israel has been fighting alongside Hezbollah since October 2023, but the situation has significantly intensified since late September this year. Israel has intensified and expanded its bombing campaign, and Hezbollah has intensified its daily rocket and drone attacks against Israel.
At least 3,189 people have been killed and 14,078 injured in Israeli attacks in Lebanon since the start of the war on Gaza.
Hezbollah said it was acting in support of Hamas and in solidarity with the people of Gaza, where the Israeli war continues to rage. A pre-dawn attack by Israeli forces on the Jabalia refugee camp in northern Gaza on Sunday killed 33 people, including 13 children.
Efforts to achieve a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas have failed so far, with the two warring sides trading blame.
Qatar, a country that played a key role in the truce negotiations, said on Saturday that Doha would suspend its mediation efforts between Hamas and Israel until the parties show their willingness and seriousness to end the war in Gaza.
Meanwhile, Arab and Muslim leaders have begun arriving in Saudi Arabia for a summit planned for Monday that will focus on Israel's wars in Gaza and Lebanon, according to Saudi state media.
According to the Saudi Press Agency, the participants are expected to discuss the continued Israeli aggression against the Palestinian territories and the Lebanese Republic, as well as current developments in the region.
Sources 2/ https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/11/10/israeli-attack-on-almat-lebanon-kills-several-people-including-children The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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