Shehbaz government revisits bureaucratic plan of Imran's tenure

ISLAMABAD: The Imran Khan government's task force on civil service reform, after two years of consultations with over 3,000 participants from all walks of life organizing 68 sessions across the country, has come up with a comprehensive set of recommendations to modernize the structure, processes and incentives of the civil service. .
However, most of the reform proposals, despite cabinet approval, remained unimplemented under the PTI government. A major reform to clear the bureaucracy of dead wood was implemented, but it was later reversed by the last PDM government.
However, most of the reform proposals, despite cabinet approval, remained unimplemented under the PTI government. A major reform to clear the bureaucracy of dead wood was implemented, but it was later reversed by the last PDM government.
Today, the current government committee for civil service reform is planning to introduce reforms similar to those of the PTI government.
The task force headed by Dr Ishrat Husain on civil services reforms had proposed the overhaul of the existing CSS competitive examination system. The task force had recommended introducing a preliminary selection test, domain-specific group examination, psychometric assessment, structured interviews and automation of the system.
It was not implemented by the PTI government. The Working Group also proposed a new training program for civil servants. It was recommended that middle management and senior management courses be divided between general management courses and specialized training courses. It has been implemented.
However, the proposal regarding the reorganization of specialized training institutes and compulsory training for former managerial and non-managerial civil servants has not been implemented.
Regarding performance management, it was proposed to replace the subjective ACR system with an objective PER with specified objectives and key performance indicators agreed with the registrant. Performance agreements between the Prime Minister and ministers were signed, but the application of the new system to civil servants was not implemented despite the design of the new forms.
The old system of seniority and aptitude was replaced by a quantitative evaluation of the performance of each candidate, the results of their training, an evaluation of their potential and their integrity by a selection jury.
Compulsory retirement of non-performing workers after 20 years of service was introduced and also upheld by the High Court, but it was canceled by the PDM government.
Regarding pay and benefits, the task force had proposed monetization of all benefits, allowances, accommodation and transportation for officers grade 17 to 22. It was also recommended that annual increments be based on the marks obtained during the performance evaluation rather than on an equal and general increase. This proposal was also not implemented by the PTI government.
The task force also recommended that technical experts and technical advisors with subject matter expertise be appointed to 16 federal departments through an open and competitive process. It has been partially implemented. It is only recently that the IT secretary has been recruited from the private sector.
Under the PTI government and on the recommendations of the task force, the selection of CEOs/General Managers of 62 public sector agencies and undertakings through an open competitive and merit-based process was completed and 16 expatriate Pakistanis were been appointed to head various organizations with positive results.
Regarding pension reform, it was proposed to move from defined benefits to defined contributions for new entrants. This has been implemented by the current government.
It was also proposed that to ensure equality of opportunity and remove reservations regarding certain cadres, all civil servants after attaining grade 19 could be promoted to higher grades in the Federal Secretariat only after presenting the examination of the civil service and have been selected through an open competition, competitive process.
Each selected candidate would be assigned to one of the four streams of the ministries of economy, social sector, technology and general management. This proposal was not approved by the PTI government.
Sources 2/ https://www.geo.tv/latest/573802-shehbaz-govt-considering-for-bureaucracy-what-ik-regime-prepared-but-never-implemented The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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