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Under-25 Summit begins in Pune on November 30; From Imran Khan to Ritviz, here's the full lineup of artists and events

Under-25 Summit begins in Pune on November 30; From Imran Khan to Ritviz, here's the full lineup of artists and events


The ultimate weekend for fun, inspiration and cultural discovery is coming. So people of Pune better get ready. For the first time, India's premier youth-focused event, the Under-25 Summit, will be held in Pune. The Under 25 Summit Pune, taking place at Royal Palms on November 30 and December 1, is a one-of-its-kind event that combines youth culture, innovation and ambition. It provides young people with the resources and opportunities they need to thrive personally, professionally and financially. It showcases India's best creators, performers and thought leaders and serves as a platform for learning and inspiration.

What and who you will see at the Under 25 Summit in Pune

For students and young professionals in India, Under 25 is a leading forum that provides opportunities for recognition and career progression. The Pune Under 25 Summit aims to create an enabling environment for success by providing a venue for ambitious individuals to network, exchange ideas and harness their potential. With an incredible line-up of speakers and artists, the Under 25 Summit Pune is a highly anticipated event that will keep the excitement high.

Ritviz, known for his electronic music and Indian classical themes, will perform live at the summit with Karan Kanchan. KRSNA will also do a hip-hop session. There will also be speakers from diverse backgrounds, such as actor Imran Khan, famous influencer and creator Rebel Kid, comedy combo Funcho, actress Parul Gulati and Marathi creator group Ourange Juice Gang. YouTuber and celebrity Prajakta Koli and actor Rohit Saraf will also be present at the event.

In addition to skill-based challenges and immersive activities, the summit will include interactive discussions, live performances, workshops and experience zones that will give guests the opportunity to network and learn from role models.

In a press release, Jeel Gandhi, CEO of Under 15, said: “This is an opportunity for young people to connect, get inspired and have fun. »

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Under 25: to empower young people

In India, a network called Under 25 connects young people to take action, dream big and create meaningful lives. It fosters a path of growth, opportunity and community that appeals to today's youth by connecting people through its app, academic programs and events.

Under 25, a student collective founded in 2013, has grown across the country, impacting brands, nonprofits, governments, consumer behavior and popular culture through its annual gatherings, both physical and digital, and has had a significant impact on various sectors.

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Are you looking forward to the Under 25 Summit in Pune?

What: Under 25 Summit

When: November 30 and December 1

Where: Royal Palms, Pune

Cost: From 1299 per person

Cover image credit: Instagram/@under25official

For more snackable content, interesting discoveries and the latest updates on food, travel and experiences in your city, download the Curly Tales app. Download HERE. First published: November 11, 2024 at 7:06 p.m.




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