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Rana Sanaullah slams Imran Khan's 'Do or die' protest call – Pashto News and Current Affairs Channel

Rana Sanaullah slams Imran Khan's 'Do or die' protest call – Pashto News and Current Affairs Channel


Advisor to Prime Minister on Political and Public Affairs Rana Sanaullah has sharply criticized Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) founder Imran Khan for his recent call for a 'do or die' protest. In a television interview, Sanaullah accused Khan of mistreating his party members and supporters by encouraging them to take extreme measures.

Speaking on private television, Sanaullah said the PTI's call for a 'do or die' protest was dangerous. He said that when PTI leaders talk about wearing shrouds or offering funeral prayers, it effectively gives a “green light” to law enforcement agencies to take strong action. According to Sanaullah, this type of rhetoric could trigger a crackdown on party workers and supporters.

The PML-N leader suggested that instead of these extreme calls, the PTI should adopt a more democratic and peaceful protest approach. They should ask for a peaceful rally, not a violent march,” Sanaullah said. He stressed that any protests must take place within the limits of the law. He also stressed that the monopoly on violence belongs to the state and not to a political party.

He questioned whether such a threatening stance, involving marches with shrouds, should be welcomed or ignored. He further stressed that the PML-N has never resorted to violence or sit-ins during its protests, citing its history of peaceful protests.

Sanaullah also spoke about the ongoing tensions between Imran Khan and the establishment. He claimed that Khan's relations with former army chief Qamar Javed Bajwa deteriorated when Khan demanded the elimination of opposition parties. When Bajwa refused to comply, Sanaullah said, Khan began calling him a traitor, calling him “Mir Jafar” and “Mir Sadiq.”

Reflecting on Khan's current stance, Sanaullah said the PTI chief had no choice but to abandon his confrontational policy of 'spare no one'. He said Khan's refusal to compromise had landed him and the country in serious trouble.

Sanaullah's statement comes at a time when the PTI is planning a major protest. The party announced a final call for protests to demand the release of Imran Khan and the restoration of judicial independence. PTI leaders, including Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Chief Minister Ali Amin Gandapur, have vowed not to back down. Gandapur promised that PTI supporters would not rest until Khan was released, even if it meant sacrificing their lives. He passionately declared that they would not return until their demands were met.

The upcoming PTI protest, with its promises of unrelenting protest, is expected to attract considerable attention. Gandapur declared that no sacrifice could deter their movement, presenting their cause as that of “true freedom”.

Imran Khan has been behind bars since his arrest in August last year following his conviction in the Toshakhana case. He remains incarcerated under high security at Rawalpindis Adiala prison, after having previously been detained at Attock prison. Khan faces several legal challenges, including cases related to the 190 million reference and the new Toshakhana case. His supporters continue to call for his release and the restoration of what they see as judicial independence.




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