Xi Jinping arrives in Peru with the entire leadership of the Chinese Communist Party for APEC 2024

He head of the Chinese regime, Xi Jingping He is already on his way to Lima. As reported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Asian country on November 13 at 11:46 a.m. (10:42 p.m. in Peru), in the morning Xi Jinping left Beijing on a special plane to Lima to attend the 31st China Economic Leaders' Meeting. APEC and make a state visit to Peru at the invitation of President Boluarte.
But the head of the regime chinos does not arrive alone, but is accompanied by two important officials. He is accompanied during his visit to Lima by the member of the Permanent Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of Chinese Communist Party (PCC) and director of the General Office of the CPC Central Committee, Ca Q and a member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee. Committee and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Wang Yi.
As, Xi Jinping will come with two figures very relevant to China's plans in Latin America, with its Minister of Foreign Affairs, who has played an essential role in ensuring China's influence in trade between the countries, and the member of the Chinese Communist PartyCai Qi, who was introduced as the Jinping's guardian angel. Both play an important role and have also been present in meetings with other leaders in the region, for example when Xi Jinping He met with the President of Chile, Gabriel Boric, and the former President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

As spokesperson for Chinese government These days, given that they are consulted daily on Xi Jinping's plans within APEC and in Latin America in general, this forum to be held in Peru will be of the utmost importance for this Asian country, especially because it seeks to increase its influence in the region.
Thus, Xi Jinping's participation in the APEC economic leaders' meeting this year is an action considered important for the head of Chinese diplomacy towards the Asia-Pacific. Therefore, the the head of the Chinese regime gives a speech where to present China's measures to deepen reform and opening-up and outline China's policies and proposals to strengthen Asia-Pacific cooperation. China is willing to work with other parties to implement APEC Vision Putrajaya 2040 in a comprehensive and balanced manner, promote positive outcomes at this meeting, inject new impetus into promoting economic integration regional and drive growth in the Asia-Pacific region and the rest of the region. the world, declared the Chinese government spokesperson.
One of the key elements of Chinese influence in Latin America is the Chancay Megaportwhich is a work of the Asian nation of Lima, and which will be operated by Cosco Shipping (a mainly Chinese consortium), which will mean not only that China will have a dominant role in the products leaving and entering Peruwhich could ensure its commercial influence in the region, but also has a hidden rolewhich could happen according to some researchers.

Xi Jinping plans to hold state meetings not only in Peru, but also in Brazil. Peru will have the Chancay megaport and Brazil is also one of the countries where China is of greatest interest. Both can give China great reach and influence in Latin America.
China and Peru have gradually consolidated political mutual trust, achieved fruitful results in cooperation in jointly building the Belt and Road, and deepened cultural and people-to-people exchanges, which has brought tangible benefits to the people of the two countries. country. Since last year, Xi Jinping and President Dina Ercilia Boluarte Zegarra have met twice to draw up a new blueprint for the development of China-Peruvian relations, Chinese government spokesperson said at a conference press.
As we know, the initiative of Belt and Road (Belt and Road) is a global infrastructure development and international cooperation strategy promoted by China in 2013, which has served to promote Chinese port projects around the world, such as the one that will be in Chançay and be controlled by the country's society.

This megaport therefore raises great concerns, as does general opinion Laura Richardsonhead of the US Navy's Southern Command, noted. In her statements, she indicated that Chancay Megaport It would be dual-use and could accommodate Chinese military vessels, which he said would pose a security risk to U.S. interests in the region. But it would also be a confrontation ruler of Perugiven that it has already been warned that part of China's Belt and Road Initiative projects would raise concerns about the territorial integrity of countries like India and Sri Lanka.
Sources 2/ https://www.infobae.com/peru/2024/11/13/xi-jinping-llega-a-peru-con-toda-la-cupula-del-partido-comunista-chino-para-el-apec-2024/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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