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China's hidden plan and its alliances in Latin America: Xi Jinping arrives in Peru to inaugurate the Chancay megaport

China's hidden plan and its alliances in Latin America: Xi Jinping arrives in Peru to inaugurate the Chancay megaport


The head of the Chinese regime Xi Jinping arrived in Peru for the APEC 2024 forum | Channel N

TODAY, Thursday November 14, saw the arrival of the head of the Chinese regime, Xi Jinpingin Lima to participate in the summit Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum (APEC), alongside the leaders of the member countries of this major multilateral mechanism. However, their participation also responds to other interests that become more evident when examining their trade movements in Latin America over the years.

The presence of the Asian giant in this region has changed radically over the past 20 years. As Aya Adachi explains for the portal Political dialogueIn 2000, exports of From Latin America to China They represented less than 2% of the total, and just eight years later, trade between the two sides was growing at an average annual rate of 31%. Currently, China has free trade agreements defraud By, Chile, Costa Rica, Ecuador and has already started bilateral negotiations on this issue with Uruguay.

China is thus seeking to become increasingly involved in the economies of Latin countries. Another example of this strategy is the implementation of the Chancay megaport, which will take place this November 14 with the symbolic presence of Xi Jinpingwho will stay in the capital with President Dina Boluarte, while the ceremony takes place in the province of Huaral. As is known, the Chinese conglomerate Cosco Shipping Ports is the majority owner of the project.

Xi Jinping's journey to Chinese leadership began in 1974, but it was his fight against corruption that propelled him to the top of the Communist Party, transforming the country's political landscape. (Reute)
Xi Jinping's journey to Chinese leadership began in 1974, but it was his fight against corruption that propelled him to the top of the Communist Party, transforming the country's political landscape. (Reute)

Cosco's head of corporate affairs, Mario de las Casas, confirmed Reuters that this construction is part of the new Chinese Silk Road, that is to say that from now on the port will be a crucial point not only for Chinese trade, but also for its geopolitical interests.

The Council on Foreign Relations reports that the United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights prepared a report in 2023 in which it found that large-scale projects carried out by China throughout the region were having negative effects on environment and on indigenous communities.

The portal also indicates that the United States and its allies fear that China will use the relations it establishes with Latin American countries for geopolitical purposes, such as the isolation of Taiwan and the growth of authoritarian regimes, as c This is the case in Cuba and Venezuela. .

EvanEllisresearcher specializing in Latin America at the US Army War College, explained to the BBC that after the United States approved nations against Venezuela in 2019, China tried to continue buying oil from that country, but hidden way. According to the interviewee, they used independent companies that transported the crude oil to the Malaysian coast and then placed it on another ship before finally transferring it to China.

As for Cuba, in July this year, the increasing expansion of the Chinese regime's spy bases in Cuba was revealed, confirming the alliance between the two autocratic governments.

Chinese President Xi Jinping will arrive in Peru for the inauguration of the Chancay megaport in 2024. Photo:
Chinese President Xi Jinping will arrive in Peru for the inauguration of the Chancay megaport in 2024. Photo:

The researcher, in an article for the China and Latin America Network (RedCAEM), warned that the Chancay megaport could pose difficulties for future Peruvian governments, even compromising national security.

In times of peace, the future Peruvian government will have great difficulty denying Cosco authorization to receive PLA Navy Ships (People's Liberation Army) in its port, he says.

In times of war, the company's ability to receive and ship military goods and resupply the PLA with Navy military vessels could be aided by a political crisis in Peru, in which government control is uncertain, he adds.

Recently, in an interview with Canal N, the spokesperson for the State Department of Joe Biden's government also mentioned that security, particularly cybersecurity, is an aspect that investors take into account.

The United States has already (delivered) three super scanners that will be used to scan all incoming goods and we are training customs officers to use them. Hopefully Peru can take advantage of this investment, but in a safe way, so that it continues to attract more investments, because I believe that investors consider these aspects of security, not only physical security, but also cybersecurity , he stressed.

The United States expresses its security concerns regarding the Chancay megaport - composition credit Infobae Peru/Canal N/Andina
The United States expresses its security concerns regarding the Chancay megaport – composition credit Infobae Peru/Canal N/Andina

In the declarations for Infobae Forthe economist Eduardo Recoba already warned against the dependence of the Peruvian economy on China and the effects this could have on the country if its growth were to decline.

This worries me because Peru's commercial risk matrix, which mainly concerns copper, could be compromised, he mentioned.

According to the Foreign Trade Corporation (Comex), China is the main destination and origin of Peruvian exports and imports. In July 2024 alone, shipments were 14,260 million dollars.

The main product shipped is copper. Recoba specifies that even if USA accepts this mineral, the Asian giant received almost double in comparison.

The United States prefers to receive rolled copper, in sheets or whole, which Chile exports, but we do not have this capacity, we export concentrates, he emphasizes.

The leader of the Chinese regime is on his way to Lima to participate in APEC 2024 and make a state visit with Dina Boluarte. They hope to increase their influence in the region. - Credit composition Infobae/Getty Images/Lintao Zhang/CGTN/Reuters/Ajeng Dinar Ulfiana
The leader of the Chinese regime is on his way to Lima to participate in APEC 2024 and make a state visit with Dina Boluarte. They hope to increase their influence in the region. – Credit composition Infobae/Getty Images/Lintao Zhang/CGTN/Reuters/Ajeng Dinar Ulfiana

The head of the regime chinos does not arrive alone, but is accompanied by two important officials. He is accompanied during his visit to Lima by the member of the Permanent Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of Chinese Communist Party (PCC) and director of the General Office of the CPC Central Committee, Ca Q and a member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee. Committee and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Wang Yi.

Both figures are highly relevant to China's plans in Latin America, with its foreign minister playing a vital role in ensuring China's influence in trade between the countries, and the member of the European Union. Chinese Communist PartyCai Qi, who was introduced as Jinping's guardian angel. Both play an important role and have also been present in meetings with other leaders in the region, for example when Xi Jinping He met with the President of Chile, Gabriel Boric, and the former President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador.




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