President Xi Jinping Attends the 19th G20 Summit and Delivers Important Remarks_Embassy of the People's Republic of China to the United States of America

On the morning of November 18 local time, President Xi Jinping attended the 19th G20 Summit in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
During discussions on combating hunger and poverty at the first session of the summit, President Xi Jinping delivered an important speech titled Building a Just World of Common Development.
President Xi Jinping pointed out that a transformation on a scale not seen in a century is accelerating around the world today, and humanity is facing unprecedented opportunities and challenges. As leaders of major countries, G20 leaders should not let their vision be blocked by fleeting clouds. Rather, they must view the world as a single community with a shared destiny, shoulder their responsibility in history, take historical initiatives and advance history. At the Hangzhou summit, China for the first time placed development at the center of G20 macroeconomic policy coordination. This year's Rio Summit chose the theme Building a Just World and a Sustainable Planet and decided to create a Global Alliance Against Hunger and Poverty. From Hangzhou to Rio, G20 leaders have worked towards a single goal, namely building a fair world of common development.
To build such a world, it is important to devote more resources to areas such as trade, investment and development cooperation, and to strengthen development institutions. There should be more bridges of cooperation, and fewer small yards and high fences, so that more and more developing countries are in a better situation and can modernize. It is important to help developing countries adopt sustainable production and lifestyle, properly respond to challenges such as climate change, biodiversity loss and environmental pollution, strengthen ecological conservation and to achieve harmony between man and nature. It is important to foster an open, inclusive and non-discriminatory environment for international economic cooperation, to promote universally beneficial and inclusive economic globalization, to boost sustainable development with new technologies, new industries and new forms of business, and help developing countries better integrate into digital, smart and green development to bridge the North-South divide. It is important to remain committed to multilateralism and uphold the international system centered on the United Nations, the international order supported by international law and the fundamental norms of international relations based on the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations.
President Xi Jinping stressed that China's development is an important part of the world's common development. China has lifted 800 million people out of poverty and achieved the poverty reduction goal of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development ahead of schedule. These achievements are the result of the strenuous and unified efforts of the Chinese government and people. China always puts the people first and solemnly declares that no poor region or person should be left behind. China fights poverty by formulating targeted policies, facilitating growth, fostering industries with distinctive characteristics in various localities, and promoting common prosperity. China's history is proof that developing countries can eliminate poverty, that a weaker bird can start early and fly high, when it demonstrates the endurance, perseverance and spirit of effort that allows drops of water to penetrate the rocks over time and transform plans into reality. If China can do this, other developing countries can also do it. This is what China's fight against poverty tells the world.
President Xi Jinping stressed that China will always be a member of the South, a reliable long-term partner for other developing countries, and a doer and go-getter for the cause of global development. China will support its other developing countries towards modernization.
President Xi Jinping outlined eight actions by China to support global development.
First, continue high-quality Belt and Road cooperation. China is forging ahead in developing the Belt and Road multi-dimensional connectivity network, a network led by the construction of a green Silk Road and which will enable a digital Silk Road.
Second, implement the Global Development Initiative. China will ensure that the southern research center being built is fit for purpose, continue to support developing countries, and deepen practical cooperation in areas such as poverty alleviation, food security and digital economy.
Third, support development in Africa. At the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation Summit in Beijing, China unveiled ten partnership actions to partner with Africa to advance modernization over the next three years and pledged to make a financial support in this regard.
Fourth, support international cooperation in poverty reduction and food security. China has decided to join the Global Alliance Against Hunger and Poverty. China supports the G20 in continuing the development ministerial meeting and will remain a committed host of the International Conference on Food Loss and Waste.
Fifth, China, alongside Brazil, South Africa and the African Union, proposes an international open science cooperation initiative to help countries in the South gain better access to global advances in open science. of science, technology and innovation.
Sixth, support the G20 in implementing practical cooperation for the benefit of countries in the South. China supports the work of the Beijing-based Entrepreneurship Research Center on G20 Economies, as well as cooperation on digital education and the digitization of museums and ancient archives.
Seventh, implement the G20 Anti-Corruption Action Plan. China is strengthening cooperation with other developing countries on fugitive repatriation and asset recovery, denial of sanctuary and strengthening anti-corruption capabilities.
Eighth, China pursues high-level opening-up and unilaterally opens its doors more widely to least developed countries (LDCs). China announced its decision to grant zero tariff treatment on 100% of tariff lines to all LDCs with diplomatic relations with China.
In conclusion, President Xi Jinping said that a journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step. China is ready to take measures with all parties to build a just world of common development, leave poverty behind and make this vision a reality.
Brazilian President Luiz Incio Lula da Silva chaired the meeting.
Before the start of the summit, President Xi Jinping and other participating leaders attended the launch of the Global Alliance Against Hunger and Poverty initiated by Brazil.
Cai Qi and Wang Yi witnessed the above events.
Sources 2/ http://us.china-embassy.gov.cn/eng/zgyw/202411/t20241119_11528778.htm The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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