The Chinese “invade” Rio to welcome the president
Since his arrival in Rio on Sunday afternoon, Xi Jinping, President of China, has been welcomed, wherever he goes, by the citizens of his country. The groups of Chinese are organized by a representative, spend about 8 hours a day on the streets of Rio, receive snacks and almost all are accompanied by a security guard from a hired private company. In each group, one person is responsible for communicating with the organizer. Shy, most avoid contact and question if anyone else approaches them.
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In the streets of the city, Chinese people wave Chinese and Brazilian flags. Banners, such as the one celebrating “Sino-Brazilian friendship”, were for example installed on Avenida Atlantica, where a group applauded when Xi's motorcade passed in front of them on Monday afternoon.

With waves, shouts and waving flags, some members of the group also filmed the passage of the procession. São Paulo resident Haiying Ge said she drove nearly six hours to honor the Chinese delegation's visit to Rio.
We are so happy he is here, she said.
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Interestingly, the group is set up in front of the Fairmont Hotel, where authorities such as Presidents Lula (Brazil) and Emmanuel Macron (France), as well as Prime Ministers Justin Trudeau (Canada), Anthony Albanese (Australia) and Olaf Scholz, Chancellor of Germany, they remain. Xi Jinping, for his part, is staying at the Sheraton Hotel in São Conrado.
This Sunday, caravans set up from the exit of the Rebouas tunnel, in Lagoa, to São Conrado, forming a corridor to welcome the president. The celebration included a drum, a Chinese anthem and other flags and banners.

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When the president's car passed the Copacabana waterfront on Monday afternoon, the Chinese celebrated and greeted the delegation.
I arrived on Saturday. A guy who organizes called us and we came, said one attendee who did not want to be identified.

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From Aterro do Flamengo to Copacabana, several groups gathered with Chinese and Brazilian flags. A group of eight Chinese people living in Brazil stood outside the Fogo de Cho steakhouse in Botafogo. Trader Dina Hong, 65, has lived in São Paulo for 40 years and has been in Rio since Saturday.

We came to welcome President Xi Jinping. I came to Rio with friends especially for this, said Dina, waving the flags and saying long live Brazil, long live China!
At Aterro do Flamengo, near the Obelisk, three other groups spread out on the lawn of the central track.
It is a tradition in our country to host the president at international events. The G20 is an opportunity for countries to come together and talk about a subject like hunger, for example, said one of them, who has lived in Rio for a year and did not wish to be identified.
Sources 2/ https://oglobo.globo.com/rio/noticia/2024/11/18/xi-jinping-no-g20-chineses-invadem-o-rio-para-poder-ver-o-presidente.ghtml The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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