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Xi Jinping's visit to Alvorada Palace sparks tensions between the teams and Dilma whispers with Alckmin; read behind the scenes

Xi Jinping's visit to Alvorada Palace sparks tensions between the teams and Dilma whispers with Alckmin; read behind the scenes


Chinese President Xi Jinping's visit to President Lula at the Alvorada Palace was marked by heavy security, with the presence of military police squads around the official residence of the Brazilian presidency.

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Inside, there were tensions between the teams of the two leaders and excited whispers from two former political adversaries: Vice President Geraldo Alckmin and the president of Banco dos Brics, Dilma Rousseff, former occupant of Alvorada.

To guarantee safety, the access roads to Alvorada have been closed. Journalists accredited to cover the situation had to use vehicles belonging to the Presidency of the Republic to go to the official residence.

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Xin Jinping and his entourage were staying at the Royal Tulip Hotel, located just 500 meters from the palace. The guests who lived there were expelled by the Chinese delegation. The only exception was the Minister of Finance, Fernando Haddad, who was able to stay in the hotel where he stayed when he was in Brasilia since 2023.

“With comrade Lula and brother Xi,” the minister wrote on social networks.

Finance Minister Fernando Haddad greets Chinese President Xi Jinping Photo: Ricardo Stuckert
Finance Minister Fernando Haddad greets Chinese President Xi Jinping Photo: Ricardo Stuckert

Along the access road to Alvorada, there was an armed soldier every hundred meters. On the posts, yellow-green banners were interspersed with red materials. Shortly before 11:30 a.m., a squad of around fifteen army soldiers crossed the lawn which separates the Alvorada and Jaburu palaces, the vice-president's residence.

Inside Alvorada, the Brazilian and Chinese teams tried to work out details, sometimes in English, sometimes in Portuguese, before two heads of state descended for the signing ceremony of the agreement and the communiqué of press in the entrance hall of the place.

An advisor remained next to the podium where Xi Jinping was to deliver his speech the entire time. Even the two glasses of water reserved for the Chinese president were served by his team.

Shortly before Lula and Xin Jinping went to the ceremony, the ministers of the two governors lined up on the mezzanine to follow the speeches.

It was at that moment that the Brazilian vice president and the president of the BRICS Bank began a conversation in which the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mauro Vieira, also participated. While a member of the PSDB, Alckmin, despite his initial resistance, supported Dilma's impeachment in 2016 and even participated in a protest for his impeachment on Avenida Paulista.

Journalists were asked not to question the two presidents when leaving or entering the ceremony. As soon as Lula and Xin Jinping left the room and went up to the mezzanine, a cameraman identified as a representative of the official Chinese press attempted to follow them, but was forcibly removed from the premises by the government communications team Brazilian.




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