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“Exclusive: Imran Khan made Test captaincy”. Why can't Jasprit Bumrah, asks L Balaji

“Exclusive: Imran Khan made Test captaincy”. Why can't Jasprit Bumrah, asks L Balaji


Former Indian fast bowler Lakshmipathy Balaji has backed Jasprit Bumrah to succeed as Test captain. There are signs that Bumrah will eventually become Rohit Sharma's successor. Balaji, however, cautioned against expecting immediate results from Bumrah and encouraged the idea of ​​handing over the captaincy to fast bowlers.

For the first time since Kapil Dev, India have handed the captaincy to fast bowler Jasprit Bumrah. The generational talent led India in 2022 on the England tour but was unsuccessful. Since then, Bumrah has been an integral part of the Indian Test team's management group. Ahead of the much-awaited Border-Gavaskar Trophy, Bumrah was named vice-captain. After Rohit Sharma was ruled out of the first Test, it was confirmed that Bumrah would step in as stand-in captain for the series opener, starting November 22 in Perth.

Bumrah's workload has always been a major topic of discussion in Indian cricket circles. However, the fast bowler has managed to remain injury-free since returning from a long break ahead of the ODI World Cup last year. While speaking to the media, Bumrah expressed confidence in his ability to meet the dual demands of captaincy and fast bowling in the Perth Test, especially with pace partner Mohammed Shami unavailable.

Shami is expected to miss at least the first Test of the five-match series. The veteran point guard was not included in the initial 18-member squad as he failed to return to peak fitness in time following a one-year injury layoff.

T-Minus 1: How India trained on the eve of the Perth Test

Speaking to, L Balaji expressed support for Jasprit Bumrah, offered insight into Mohammed Shami's situation and addressed the issue of batters getting injured while practicing at the net in the bouncy conditions of the Australia.

Excerpts from the interview:

Question: Are you looking forward to a fast bowler leading India in Perth?

Balaji: Every cricketer would love to go to Australia. And when you get the opportunity to lead and be the main bowler, it will only propel Jasprit higher in his career.

However, you shouldn't expect too much from him. He's a young captain, and you have to understand that. It’s a great opportunity not only for him but for the whole team. We all know that Australians play hard cricket and sometimes the environment gets ugly.

I think if they learn to understand and perform in Australia, they will gain a lot. Many cricketers who excelled in Australia went on to become greats of the game. We saw Sachin Tendulkar, who scored his first century in Perth, and from then on, he never looked back. We have also seen Virat Kohli and VVS Laxman announce themselves on Australian tours, which has significantly improved their career charts.

Question: Can Bumrah meet the demands of being a fast bowler and captain?

Balaji: I think it is not impossible for a fast bowler to meet the demands of leading Test cricket. Imran Khan showed that a fast bowler can be an astute captain. He was exceptional in all aspects of leadership, batting and bowling.

Fast bowling is particularly demanding. You will be tired after long periods, but you will still have to take the lead. But I think Bumrah is ready for it. He has played enough cricket to understand the demands of the game. He has toured Australia twice and that experience makes you a different player.

Question: Can India consider Bumrah as full-time captain in future?

Balaji: I think Bumrah is in the right frame of mind. Hopefully his body can also cope with the demands of a longer period, fingers crossed. If this happens, leadership will depend on how they get the most out of their team.

Cricket is not a solo game. Rohit Sharma has already built a great culture in the dressing room. Bumrah must have learned a lot from Rohit during his time with Mumbai Indians.

I am sure he had many discussions with Rohit, observed him and absorbed his methods.

Bumrah's experience will only make him stronger when it comes to making decisions. We all know what an incredible player he is; he can change the match situation with the ball at any time.

Players will have to adapt to his style, but it will take time. You can't expect players to respond immediately, because a new captain always brings new ideas and directions.

Firstly, Bumrah needs to lead by example and eventually it will become second nature for his teammates to follow him.

I think he has a lot to look forward to over the next two and a half months.

Question: What would you say to young bowlers like Harshit Rana, Prasidh Krishna and Nitish Kumar Reddy before their maiden tour of Australia? How did you and Irfan Pathan handle the challenge of playing against Pakistan despite being new to Test cricket?

Balaji: We were very lucky. When Irfan Pathan and I were young and new in the team, we had senior players like Zaheer Khan, Ajit Agarkar and Anil Kumble to guide us. We have also been privileged to have greats like Sachin Tendulkar, Rahul Dravid and Sourav Ganguly. I am sure the seniors of this era will guide the young people visiting Australia for the first time.

It is important not to put too much pressure on them. At the end of the day, cricket is played over 22 yards, whether in Australia or India. It is played with a bat and a ball. The main thing is to avoid overcomplicating the game.

I hope that the seniors will guide the young in a direct way. Young leaders must remain natural and develop in their own way.

Question: Should India include Mohammed Shami in the team if he reaches peak fitness soon?

Absolutely. Six or seven months ago, he was part of the murderous trio of Siraj, Mohammed Shami and Bumrah. It's always a big challenge for any opposing team when three leaders are hunting together. They can continue to apply constant pressure. They consistently took wickets and proved themselves time and time again.

If Shami is fully fit and able to prove it, why not have him in the team? He can add considerable value to the team.

Question: What do you think about injured batters in the nets in Australia? Will bowlers think twice before practicing hard?

Balaji: You cannot protect anyone from harm. Once selected, everyone gives their best. Even during preparation, they did their best. Yes, injuries have happened in the past and they will happen in the future. Whether during training or a match, injuries are an integral part of every athlete's life. You can't predict or prevent them by being too conservative.

Injuries also bring opportunities. For example, Labuschagne would not have played if Smith had not been injured. While injuries are unfortunate for the player involved, they provide a chance for someone else to launch their career. It's just part and parcel of the game.

Published by:

Akshay Ramesh

Published on:

November 21, 2024




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