Replacement of the dollar and protection of capital: behind the scenes of the VIP dinner between Lula, Xi Jinping and businessmen

The dinner reserved for a few businessmen with the presidents of Brazil, Luiz Incio Lula da Silva, and China, Xi Jinping, was marked by reinforced security on Wednesday evening (20).
The apprehension has been sparked not only by the fact that he is the leader of one of the world's largest economies, but also by the recent explosive attack on Praça dos Três Poderes, in Brasilia.
Despite this, businessmen from both countries informally discussed aspects of tax reform and capital security in Brazil, according to the report. CNN.
The impression among businesspeople at the meeting was one of relaxation after a day filled with formal trade deals between Brazil and China.
In total, 37 partnerships were signed that will benefit different Brazilian fields, from agribusiness to technology.
To conclude the Chinese leader's stay on Brazilian soil, Lula chose four symbolic gifts to give to Xi Jinping: an ounce of wood, handicrafts from the Northeast, Brazilian works of art and bottled water of premium quality obtained thanks to the humidity of the Amazonian forest. technology developed by Amazon Air Water.
The founder and CEO of the company, Cal Gonalez Junior, who was also present at the dinner, had offered the bottle to Joe Biden, during the American president's visit to Amazonas before the G20.
In exchange, Xi offered a compartment containing moon sand and other cultural gifts from Chinese tradition.
During a meeting lasting up to 20 minutes, the delegations exchanged gifts and explained the symbolism of each object.
Painting two businessmen
After passing through the gift room, the guests went up to the top floor of Itamaraty.
At the business table, expectations revolved around Chinese concerns about the improvements and effects that the tax reform would generate upon its implementation in 2026, which should be completed in 2033.
Gonzalez Contou CNN This interest of Chinese businessmen is due to their desire to invest more and more in Brazil.
For this to happen, however, there needs to be a lack of capital protection, but, according to him, this is not linked to national economic policies such as the long-awaited spending reduction plan, but rather to economic conditions favorable to investments.
The meeting lasted no more than an hour and a half.
The businessman's calculations are more linear: how much I invest and get back, and where I can charge if something goes wrong, he said.
the same question I would ask if I were investing in China. Our country conveys this security of investment, of questioning good and evil, he added.
According to data from the Brazil-China Business Council (CEBC), the volume of Chinese investments in Brazil has decreased, although it remains at a high level, worth $1.73 billion.
Still, the total is the second lowest since 2009.
Another point of attention among Chinese and Brazilian businessmen has been the debate on the tendency to replace the dollar as the strongest and most exchangeable currency between the countries, established since the Bretton Woods agreements, after the Second World War.
The proposal to adopt another common currency between the BRICS members, and no longer the dollar, came from a meeting in October. However, the negotiations have not progressed.
Sources 2/ https://www.cnnbrasil.com.br/economia/substituicao-do-dolar-e-protecao-do-capital-os-bastidores-do-jantar-vip-entre-lula-xi-jinping-e-empresarios/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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