PTI is adamant about holding protest on November 24 despite IHC order; article 144 applied in Punjab – Pakistan

PTI leaders on Friday remained adamant about going ahead with the protest planned for November 24, despite obstacles related to bans on gatherings in Islamabad and Punjab, as well as a court order declaring its protest illegal.
PTI founder and former Prime Minister Imran Khan made a final call for nationwide protests on November 24 (Sunday), denouncing what he described as the stolen mandate, unjust arrests of people and the adoption of the 26th Amendment, which strengthened a dictatorial regime. .
The decision to hold a protest on November 24 is still confirmed, said former PTI MP Aliya Hamza Malik, who is currently out on bail.
The rest of the leaders are in a meeting with [Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Chief Minister Ali Amin] Gandapur and some of them are in Adiala, Malik told Dawn.com, referring to Rawalpindis Adiala jail where Imran is imprisoned.
Yes, fully, PTI leader Sayed Zulfi Bukhari responded to Dawn.com when asked if his party was still considering going ahead with its protest plans.
A statement posted today on the Imrans X account indicates that November 24 is the day of liberation from slavery.
The rule of law, the Constitution and human rights are suspended in Pakistan, forcing the nation to protest and make sacrifices. The nation must decide whether to bear the yoke of slavery or wear the crown of freedom, the statement said.
He said people should stay focused on Sunday, expressing hope that the protest would be successful.
Section 144 imposed in Punjab from Saturday to Monday
Ahead of the PTI protest, public gatherings were banned in Islamabad for two more months and in Rawalpindi until November 26.
Today, a similar ban was announced across Punjab for three days from Saturday to Monday under Section 144 of the Criminal Procedure Code.
Section 144 is a legal provision that allows district administrations to prohibit a gathering of four or more people in an area for a limited period. It is generally imposed to prevent potential unrest, maintain public order and curb any activity that could escalate into violence.
According to a notification issued today by the Punjab Home Department, a copy of which is available on Dawn.com, all kinds of political assemblies, rallies, sit-ins, rallies, demonstrations, jalsas, protests and other activities similar have been banned throughout the country. the province.
The order stated: It is feared that miscreants and troublemakers may take advantage of the said protest to carry out subversive/anti-state activities to achieve their nefarious designs.
He noted that the 18th meeting of the Cabinet Standing Committee on Public Order had recommended the imposition of the said restrictions in the context of the current spate of terrorist incidents.
The notification said the ban was aimed at ensuring the safety of people and installations/buildings from any potential terrorist or undesirable activities.
He termed the imposition of Section 144 as a quick remedy to prevent any disturbance of public peace and ensure security of lives and public property as well as tranquility in the Punjab province.
Meanwhile, the Office of Deputy Inspector General of Police, Lahores has requested the Ring Road Authority Commander to close the road from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday due to the expected law and order situation due to unrest, protests and rallies expected in the city during this period. on weekends.
Miscreants and troublemakers can damage public and private property and worsen the law and order situation.
The Lahore Police ensures safety and security of the general public and private/public properties, the application said.
PTI differs on state of negotiations
Meanwhile, PTI leaders appeared to differ on the status of the negotiations.
Speaking on DawnNews' Doosra Rukh show, PTI maverick Sher Afzal Marwat said there were no negotiations with the government at the moment as the PTI's demand for the release of Imrans had not been satisfied.
As far as I know, the negotiations failed, Marwat said. In the meetings we have had, there seems to be no possibility of negotiation. We are currently focused on preparations for the November 24 gathering.
He added that if the government does not want mass protests in Pakistan, then it should release Imran Khan and our leaders from Kot Lakhpat jail.
He continued: We have had negotiations with relevant members of the government and the establishment. However, this chapter is closed as they will not release Imran Khan and they have filed new cases against him.
Meanwhile, speaking on Geo News show Naya Pakistan, senior PTI leader Raoof Hasan said the negotiations were taking place at a higher level than the PTI. [Interior Minister Mohsin] Naqvi sahib and with those who matter.
When informed that the Interior Minister had said the day before that negotiations would not take place, Hasan replied: If Naqvi sahib does not want to recognize it, that is his decision.
The former party spokesperson said negotiations were still ongoing with those affected.
Sources 2/ https://www.dawn.com/news/1874077 The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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