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Islamabad blocked as Imran Khan supporters march for his release

Islamabad blocked as Imran Khan supporters march for his release


The Pakistani government locked down the capital as tens of thousands of supporters of jailed former Prime Minister Imran Khanmarch headed to Islamabad to demand his release.

Authorities stepped up security measures on Sunday, blocking roads in Islamabad and closing major roads and highways connecting the capital.

The government has also suspended mobile and internet services in many parts of the country.

Internet and mobile services will continue to operate normally in the rest of the country, however, government authorities said.

Khan's supporters rely heavily on social media and messaging platforms like WhatsApp and X to communicate and organize.

“If a protester shows up, he must be arrested immediately,” announced Federal Interior Minister Mohsin Naqvi.

Despite warnings from government authorities, Khan's rebel supporters are heading towards Islamabad.

God willing, we will stay on the streets and continue to fight for our rights, until the rights of the Pakistani people, who have been deprived of the mandate of the Pakistani people, are returned, said a protester, Syed Mati Ullah Shah. media.

Khan has been charged in more than 150 criminal cases by the military-backed government. He has been in prison for over a year.

His political party, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), says the charges against its leader are politically motivated.

The strongholds of the PTI are considered to be the provinces of Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

Meanwhile, sectarian violence sparked by a terrorist attack on Shiite travelers in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, near the Pakistan-Afghanistan border, has left at least 82 people dead and 156 others injured in recent days, it said on Sunday. a local manager. The travelers were killed in a terrorist attack on a convoy of vans near Parachinar on Thursday.

“The clashes and attacks on convoys on November 21, 22 and 23 left 82 dead and 156 injured,” said a local administration official, speaking on condition of anonymity.

Around 300 families fled on Saturday as exchanges of fire with light and heavy weapons continued into the night. However, no new casualties were reported on Sunday morning.

“The mobile network across Kurram remains suspended and traffic on the main highway is disrupted,” the local administration official said.

At least 42 people, including women, were killed; with dozens of others injured, some in critical condition, as the passengers were ambushed. All the victims targeted by the shootings were Shiite Muslims.

“Our priority today is to negotiate a ceasefire between the two sides. Once this is achieved, we can begin to resolve the underlying issues,” provincial Justice Minister Aftab Alam said on Sunday. Afridi.

Media reported on Friday that the deadly terrorist attack on passengers in a convoy of vans heading from Parachinar to Peshawarhad had sparked outrage across the country, with many calling for tougher security measures to ensure the safety of civilians in troubled areas of Pakistan.

Protesters also staged demonstrations in Lahore and Karachi, protesting the government's failure to stamp out sectarian violence.

For the moment, no group or individual has claimed responsibility for this deadly attack. In the past, the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) has carried out many such attacks.




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