China jails journalist for seven years for espionage | Press freedom news

Dong Yuyu, former editor-in-chief of Guangming Daily, was arrested in 2022 while having lunch with a Japanese diplomat.
A Chinese court has sentenced journalist Dong Yuyu to seven years in prison for espionage, according to a statement from his family, who called it a grave injustice.
In its verdict released Friday, Beijing's No. 2 Intermediate People's Court convicted the 62-year-old former editor-in-chief of the Communist Party's Guangming Daily based on previous meetings with senior Japanese diplomats, it said. his family.
According to the ruling, Japanese diplomats met by Dong, including then-ambassador Hideo Tarumi and current Shanghai-based foreign minister Masaru Okada, were designated as agents of a spy organization, adds the press release.
Police guarded the court on Friday, with seven police cars parked nearby, asking journalists to leave the premises.
The conviction, based on no evidence, declares to the world the bankruptcy of China's justice system, the family's statement said.
His conviction implied that every Chinese citizen should be aware that the Chinese government could potentially view embassies as espionage organizations, thus producing a deterrent effect.
Today's verdict is a grave injustice not only to Yuyu and her family, but to every free-thinking Chinese journalist and every ordinary Chinese engaged in friendly engagement with the world, according to her family.
Under Chinese law, a person convicted of espionage can be imprisoned for three to 10 years for less serious cases or receive harsh sentences, including life in prison, for serious cases.
Unfair verdict
Dong joined Guangming Daily in 1987, after graduating from Peking University Law School, and was deputy editor of its commentary section.
His articles advocated moderate reforms while avoiding direct criticism of President Xi Jinping.
He regularly met diplomats from various embassies and journalists.
The Japanese diplomat he met, one of two diplomats he had met regularly in the past, was also detained for several hours at the time but was later released.
The Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson then said the diplomat was engaged in activities incompatible with his capabilities in China.
Press freedom advocates have called for Dong's release, and more than 700 journalists, academics and NGO workers have signed an online petition calling for his release.
The US National Press Club said the journalist, who participated in the prestigious Harvard Nieman Fellowship in 2007 and contributed to the Chinese editions of the New York Times and the Financial Times, was arrested two years ago while had lunch with a Japanese diplomat. in a restaurant in Beijing.
Chinese authorities must overturn this unjust verdict and protect the right of journalists to work freely and safely in China, said Beh Lih Yi, Asia program manager at the Committee to Protect Journalists, a media rights group. based in New York.
Ann Marie Lipinski, curator of the Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard, called Dong a talented journalist and author whose work has long been respected by his colleagues.
We stand with many people who hope for his release and return to his family, she said.
Sources 2/ https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/11/29/china-jails-journalist-for-seven-years-on-espionage-charges The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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