Replace PM Modi project fails again

Looking at recent months, an intense effort has been launched since 2019 by lobbies across time zones who wanted to see Prime Minister Narendra Modi replaced, preferably by an opposition politician. Group K sought to spread the lie that the Prime Minister, not to mention the Foreign Minister and National Security Advisor, were involved in an imaginary plot to eliminate a known facilitator of terrorism responsible for the loss hundreds of innocent people. lives, Gurpatwant Sing Pannun. These reliable indiaphobes, several Canadian politicians close to Group K, were asked to amplify the false accusation, which spread like wildfire in part of the media. The goal of the smears was to destroy the architecture of the India-US strategic alliance that had been carefully nurtured under Prime Minister Modi and, more importantly, by the 45th (and soon to be 47th) President of the United States, Donald Trump. Had they succeeded, the path would have been clear for CCP General Secretary Xi Jinping to establish his control over much of the Indo-Pacific, in the same way he dominated the Pacific Ocean. ASEAN (mistakenly called the South China Sea). Fortunately, the truth prevailed over the lies, and no one other than Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau had to publicly declare that those responsible for this fake news were criminals, which indeed they are. What could be called the K effort to derail Prime Minister Modi has failed spectacularly. Trudeau made clear what was obvious all along, that Prime Minister Modi, Foreign Minister Jaishankar and National Security Advisor Ajit Doval were in no way involved in what appears to disinterested observers to be an illusory conspiracy of elements that at that time It was time for the Indian government to eliminate Pannun in a way that many US administrations are familiar with, by assassinating him.
And now comes the most recent attempt to tarnish Prime Minister Modi's name. This is thanks to his connection with a prominent Indian businessman who has made a name for himself across the world and won contracts in several countries. For the businessman, this is a matter that must be fought and decided in court, not in the streets, and already his name and that of two other family members, initially named as directly involved in the affair, the transactions under investigation were cleared of this involvement. Anyway, the Indian Prime Minister has nothing to do with such trade issues; he has much bigger international and domestic problems to deal with. Wrongly implicating the Prime Minister in this matter has geopolitical implications because, as mentioned earlier, he is the architect of the India-US strategic alliance, a partnership that is poised to strengthen immensely following Donald Trump's return to the White House on January 20. 2025. Wrongly implicating it has the effect, intentionally or not, of potentially weakening a strategic partnership on which Indo-Pacific security depends. This most recent attempt to derail the Prime Minister also failed, as few accepted the false narrative that he was involved in what is essentially a business deal. The names of the three members of the business group in whose name the company is run have already been clarified as not appearing on the indictment. However, the stock prices of the companies have been damaged for some time and SEBI needs to find out who are the short sellers who have made huge profits from such a temporary fall in the stock prices of the group companies. Hindenburg openly claimed to be a short seller when he sought to impugn the group's reputation. Current short sellers remain anonymous but their names must be revealed. Regardless, India's story will remain strong because of the fundamental reality of the two largest democracies coming together in the face of the challenge to Indo-Pacific security posed by an aggressive and authoritarian power. Policy changes could ensure that much of China's decoupling of international trade finds a new home in India. The years 2025-2029, the Modi-Trump years, promise high growth and income to benefit both India and the United States.
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