PTI protest: Imran says Bushra acted as per his instructions, calls for unity in party ranks – Pakistan

PTI founder Imran Khan clarified on Tuesday that his wife, former first lady Bushra Bibi, led the Islamabad protests last week under his instructions, responding to internal party criticism over the protest results and calling for unity among party leaders.
A day of fierce fighting between security forces and PTI protesters across the federal capital ended with a hasty withdrawal of senior party leaders and supporters from the red zone in the early hours of November 27.
At least six lives were lost during the three days of protests, including a police officer and three Rangers officials who were hit by a speeding vehicle, officials and hospital sources said. Claims and counterclaims over deaths allegedly caused by law enforcement actions against PTI protesters remain a major bone of contention between the government and the opposition party. Many party activists were arrested in the ensuing crackdown, while several complaints were filed.
The PTI has since engaged in soul-searching over the failure of last week's protests, with particular scrutiny of Bushra Bibi's role in its leadership and his differences with other party leaders over the venue of the protest.
A post on Imrans Whatever she did, she did it according to my instructions.
Calling for unity in the party ranks, Imran said leaders and workers must unite, organize and prepare for the next phase of their struggle for real freedom against the mafia that has imposed itself in the country.
Imran said he was briefed today about the events of the past week and termed them the darkest chapter in Pakistan's history.
I have asked the Supreme Court to form an impartial judicial commission to investigate the massacre of innocent and peaceful citizens and severely punish those who ordered the massacre and those involved in it, he was quoted as saying.
Imran said the PTI would not remain silent on the issue and would continue to raise its voice on the issue. He said he was still consulting others on the issue and gathering more details, adding that he had asked the party leadership to file a complaint against Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif, Interior Minister Mohsin Naqvi and those responsible.
The data of Islamabad and Rawalpindi hospitals regarding martyrs and injured should be made public as soon as possible and CCTV footage of all hospitals and Safe City should be preserved so that the evidence cannot be lost like the May 9.
I have charged my party and the KP CM to take responsibility for the care and welfare of the families of the martyrs and injured. Spend all your energy finding missing people and encourage the teams of lawyers who are pursuing the cases of those arrested, he was quoted as saying.
Physical and technological obstacles, coupled with Bushra Bibi's intransigence, foiled last-ditch efforts to peacefully resolve the issue of PTI's protest march to Islamabad's D-Chowk, credible sources had told Dawn familiar with the behind-the-scenes efforts.
The source claimed that Bushra Bibi was aggressive. She was defiant, adding that she had refused to listen to Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Chief Minister Ali Amin Gandapur, instead demanding that the party president speak to him directly via video call, but this was not possible due to technical and other problems.
Originally, the sources had said that Bushra Bibi was supposed to stay in Peshawar, but the dynamic completely changed when she suddenly decided to get on the truck and lead the protest herself.
Other party members had told Dawn that Punjab leaders were insisting that Bushra Bibi's strict orders to all ticket holders and officials should take them back and force them to follow instructions without question.
The PTI rank and file was furious with indignation at the party leadership's inability to lead from the front. The party members are also unhappy that they have been left stranded and without guidance to respond in difficult situations following the execution of Imran's latest protest call and sit-in in Islamabad.
Pindi ATC asks Adiala Prison to explain its refusal to meet Imrans' sisters
Meanwhile, the Ranwalpindi Anti-Terrorism Court (ATC) earlier today sought details from the Adiala jail administration, inquiring about the refusal of Imran's sisters not to be allowed to meet him .
A petition was filed in court by her sisters Aleema Khan, Uzma Khan and Noreen Khan. The superintendent of Adiala Prison has been named as a respondent in the petition.
The court issued a notice based on the application and asked the prison authorities for a response within two hours explaining why the sisters were unable to meet Imran.
Speaking to the media outside Adiala Prison, Aleema said her brother still had one last card to play, adding that he would not tell anyone or make it known for now . It won't be used properly, she said.
A day ago, top PTI leaders had met Imran at Adiala jail for the first time since the party made its latest call for protests in Islamabad last week.
According to PTI Chairman Barrister Gohar, Imran was not aware of the progress of the protest as he did not have access to newspapers and television.
Omar Ayub released on bail in D-Chowk protest case
Meanwhile, the Islamabad ATC granted bail to National Opposition Leader Ayub Omar Ayub Khan fixed at Rs55,000 in the D-Chowk protest case.
The court had issued non-bailable arrest warrants against Ayub along with Imran, his wife Bushra Bibi, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Chief Minister Ali Amin Gandapur and 92 others for the violent protests.
Many party activists were arrested during the ensuing crackdown and several complaints were filed after the demonstration.
ATC Judge Tahir Abbas Sipra presided over today's hearing and called Ayub in case number 540.
The PTI leader was produced before the court along with his lawyer Babar Awan.
The court said the arrest warrant would end once the bail of Rs 50,000 was granted.
Awan requested the court to reduce the bail amount to Rs25,000. However, Justice Supra said Rs55,000 should be deposited.
The court adjourned the hearing of the case to December 10 and initiated an investigation into Ayub.
PTI Marwat granted bail in seven cases
The Islamabad ATC also granted bail to PTI MP Sher Afzal Marwat in seven cases on a bond of Rs 5,000.
The other cases were registered at the Secretariat, Kohsar, Ramna, Tarnool and Karachi Company police stations.
Marwat and his lawyer Ali Azad requested bail from the court, which Justice Sipra granted. The court summoned the police with the files on December 10.
Sources 2/ https://www.dawn.com/news/1876445 The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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