From the veil to the vanguard of Pakistani resistance

By Amjad Ali
Islamabad, December 4 (EFE).- Once shrouded in mystery, Bushra Bibi, wife of imprisoned former Prime Minister Imran Khan, has entered the spotlight of the Pakistani political landscape, leading protests for the release of her husband.
You will have to promise that until Imran Khan is with us, you will not leave, she told Khan's supporters in a rare public appearance at a high-stakes protest called “do or die “.
The march defied maximum security measures and a government ban, drawing thousands of demonstrators to the capital.
The 50-year-old led the largest procession in Peshawar, the provincial capital of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and a stronghold of the Khans Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party.
Bushra Bibi, former first lady and wife of incarcerated former Prime Minister Imran Khan, leaves in a convoy after her release from Adiala Prison after being granted bail in the Toshakhana case, in Rawalpindi, Pakistan, on October 24, 2024. EFE-EPA/SOHAIL CHAHZAD
Draped in a white shawl and veil, Bibi addressed her supporters, urging them to march to Islamabad's iconic D-Chowk and stage a sit-in until Khan is released .
The journey to Islamabad was fraught with pitfalls. Protesters faced government barricades and a heavy barrage of tear gas. Bibis' vehicle was closely guarded by protesters who saw her as a symbol of resistance in the absence of other PTI leaders.
On the way, she blew kisses to the crowd, who chanted Khan Tere Jan Nisar, Beshumar Beshumar (Khan, countless people are ready to sacrifice their lives for you).
My children and brothers, you must be by my side, she implored in one of her speeches. But even if you don't, I will stand firm.
Political analysts considered this moment his debut in Pakistani politics.
Hours after protesters reached Islamabad, the government cut off electricity and water supplies before opening fire to disperse the crowd.
According to eyewitness Ilyas Hussain, who was selling burgers at the protest site, chaos ensued when the Bibis truck was set on fire. Everyone, including her, fled to safety.
The PTI claimed more than 20 protesters were killed and hundreds missing, while the government denied the deaths and blamed Bibi for the violence, accusing him of refusing to move the protest.
Bibi's unexpected leadership and resilience surprised many, given his previous reputation as a hidden spiritual guide.
Khan, who met her in 2015, often sought her advice during his political career. A PTI insider credited him with transforming Khan from a playboy into a devout Muslim and believer in Sufism.
“Bibi played an important role in Khan’s transformation,” the source told EFE.
The couple married in 2018 in a private ceremony, and Khan's election victory that year solidified his confidence in his spiritual guidance. Despite widespread criticism from her opponents accusing her of black magic, she remained a key figure in Khan's life and political journey.
Bibi's emergence as a leader has drawn comparisons to iconic figures like Benazir Bhutto, who championed her husband's interests during his imprisonment; Kulsoom Nawaz, who rallied during Nawaz Sharif's incarceration; and Nusrat Bhutto, who led his party after the imprisonment of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto in the 1970s.
Born Bushra Riaz Watto, she was first married to Khawar Maneka in 1989. She has five children from her first marriage.
After marrying Imran Khan, she adopted the name Bushra Khan, but is widely known as Bushra Bibi.
Known for her modesty, she always covered her face with a veil and draped herself in a long scarf. Only a few of his photographs have surfaced.
As political unrest unfolds in Pakistan, Bibi may have begun a new chapter in her journey from spiritual guide to political symbol of resistance. EFE
Sources 2/ https://efe.com/en/other-news/2024-12-04/pakistan-resistance/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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