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Global Times: Xi sends congratulatory letter to Conference on Understanding China

Global Times: Xi sends congratulatory letter to Conference on Understanding China


BEIJING, December 4, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — China looks forward to working with all other countries to create an environment and conditions conducive to development, address the numerous challenges and difficulties and facilitate the modernization of all countries characterized by peaceful development, mutually beneficial cooperation and common prosperity, in the aim of writing a new chapter in building a community with a shared future for mankind, Chinese President Xi Jinping said Tuesday in his congratulatory letter to the 2024 China Understanding Conference (Canton), In Canton, South China Guangdong Province.

Xi said in the letter that it is necessary to understand Chinayou have to understand China efforts to further deepen comprehensive reform to advance Chinese modernization.

China The country builds a high-level socialist market economy at a faster pace, gradually expands institutional opening-up, takes the initiative to align with high-level international economic and trade rules, and actively promotes a transparent institutional environment, stable and predictable, Xi said.

China's modernization effort meets the aspiration of 1.4 billion people for a better life and will make new and greater contributions to world peace and development, Xi said.

The three-day conference, attracting more than 100 representatives from the international community, as well as Hong Kong And Macau special administrative regions, kicked off on Monday under the theme “Pursuing Reform to the End – Chinese Modernization and New Opportunities for Global Development”, with the opening ceremony held on Tuesday.

China reform has no end

“Only by understanding China efforts to further deepen reform can we really understand China past, present and future”, Zheng Bijian, founding president of the China Institute for Innovation and Development Strategy (CIIDS), also known for coining the term China “a peaceful rise,” he said in his speech Tuesday.

Zheng said reform and opening-up was the key turning point in the country's development. China modern destiny. One of the main reasons China If the country was able to quickly move from a poor and backward country to the second largest economy in the world, it is thanks to reform and opening up. And each cycle of reforms injects new and powerful vitality into China development. Over the past 46 years, the Chinese people have become deeply aware that reform is a continuous process with no definitive end.

China understands that social governance is an evolving process. We must adapt to new realities. This is not a fixed, status quo approach. This means you have to keep moving forward. » Pakistani senator Mushahid Husseinchairman of the Pakistan-China Institute, told the Global Times on Tuesday while stressing that he was impressed by China implementing 3,000 reform plans over the past decade and 300 more after the third plenary session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of Chinain July this year.

Some observers have noticed a change in dynamics between China reform and its opening. Joseph Gregory MahoneyAmerican professor of politics and executive director of the International Center for Advanced Political Studies of East China Normal University, told the Global Times that what has changed is that in the past, China The country has used reform to strengthen itself so it can open up, but it has now reached a point where it needs to open up further to move forward with its reforms.

He gave an example of China open approach to developing its electric vehicle industry – Domestic companies had to compete with the best in the world and welcomed the world's largest electric vehicle companies to enter China. The competition helped to stimulate China own innovation and development.

Mahoney continued that in the past, foreign countries and companies sought China to be more open. Now that China After achieving various breakthroughs, other countries are beginning to fear the very openness they once sought. It's almost ironic: things have changed.

On the one hand, it is predictable that some countries resort to protectionism. On the other hand, waging a trade war makes no sense. It reeks of desperation or lack of confidence in their own future, Mahoney added.

However, China the opening will not be stopped by external obstacles. In his speech, Zheng highlighted three key areas for China future reforms: more marketization, more innovation and more openness.

He stressed that openness is a distinctive feature of Chinese modernization. And China will proactively create a world-class, market-oriented, rules-based and internationalized business environment.

Zhang said that starting this year, China removed all market access restrictions for foreign investors in the manufacturing sector, and citizens of 54 countries were exempted from visa requirements while in transit to China for 72 or 144 hours. Departure November 30, China extended its unilateral visa waiver policy to nine additional countries, bringing the total to 38.

Shared future

Bob Carrformer Australian Foreign Minister, once said: “No need to see China present yourself as a threat; the rise of China is good for Chinagood for the region and good for the world. » On Tuesday, Carr elaborated on his views to the Global Times.

Australia is one of the beneficiaries of China's economic success, and the only way to boost global economic growth and reduce extreme poverty is through more trade and more openness, which has been demonstrated time and time again. times, Carr said.

“A very powerful and positive message from President Xi at this conference is that promoting Chinese modernization is not only about the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the upliftment of the Chinese people, but also about inclusive cooperation and mutual engagement with countries in the South,” Hussain said. World Times.

Hussain cited three examples to illustrate why he believes China growth is an opportunity for the world: The port of Chancay in Peru it helps Latin America get closer to Asia; The port of Gwadar at Pakistan which transformed Central Asian countries from landlocked to land-bound; And the Mombasa-Nairobi railway at Africawhich made connectivity much easier. What China What we do is provide infrastructure and lay the foundations for progress that benefits people.

China tries to find a way to live and work with everyone. At the same time China try to be transparent and frank. Although not at every step China is perfect, the country is still trying to move in the right direction, Mahoney noted.

“We really need to understand China. China says things today that no one else in the world says,” the former Pakistani prime minister said. Shahid Khaqan Abbasi told the Global Times. He said that when the world is at a critical juncture and cannot move forward with a confrontational approach, China talks about globalization, moving forward, openness, inclusive growth, poverty reduction, technology sharing and partnership that brings everyone together, while a number of world leaders focus about their own problems or talk about confrontation.

China goes way beyond,” Abbasi said.

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