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Indonesian Foreign Ministry speaks out on its chaotic LCS claims after Prabowo-Xi Jinping meeting

Indonesian Foreign Ministry speaks out on its chaotic LCS claims after Prabowo-Xi Jinping meeting


Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – The Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Kemlu) opened its voice regarding the joint statement between Indonesia and China that RI accepted the existence of overlapping claims (overlapping claim) over the South China Sea (SCS).

This joint statement was issued after the first meeting between President Prabowo Subianto and President Xi Jinping in Beijing, China, on Saturday (09/11/2024).

Indonesian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Rolliansyah Soemirat admitted that there was indeed a joint statement between Indonesia and China, but it was not an overlapping claim, but rather a declaration of cooperation in these waters.

During a press briefing at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs office, Central Jakarta, Thursday (05/12/2024), Roy admitted that there was indeed a joint statement which was one of many outcomes of President Prabowo Subianto's trip to Beijing last November.

“There is a paragraph related to the issue of a joint statement between Indonesia and China on maritime operations… but this paragraph is not alone, it can be seen in unity with other paragraphs , including a special paragraph that clearly emphasizes that the two countries will continue to “respect each other's sovereignty and territorial integrity,” said the spokesperson familiarly known as Roy.

“There are many things that can be explained in this statement, what we agree on is that there is a common understanding of the importance of joint development. In this statement we are not talking about the issue of overlapping claims, we don't talk about it, let's discuss it,” he continued.

Roy said what Indonesia would do under the agreement would be to form a joint intergovernmental declaration committee that would explore this cooperation in the future.

“There is a deadline for the formation of the committee, and the committee has not yet been formed. The joint statement also does not talk about the details of the overlapping demands, if any, if there are any. “Let's try not to go beyond something that has already been written and agreed between the two parties,” he stressed.

In the joint statement, Prabowo and Xi did not explicitly mention the SCS, but the two countries stressed their commitment to jointly maintaining peace and stability in these waters.

However, many responded that this clearly contradicted the statement that Indonesia had argued that the SCS belonged to the Republic of Indonesia because it was in the Executive Economic Zone (EEZ) and was legal according to the International Convention on the Law of the Sea, 1982 (UNCLOS). .

For information, China has so far claimed almost the entire SCS area, approximately 90% covering an area of ​​approximately 1.3 million square miles, with the concept of a nine-dash line, which was then transformed into a 10-dash line. .-separated. This claim includes most of its component islands.

Based on this unilateral claim, the Bamboo Curtain Country even established military posts on the artificial islands it built there. The SCS itself is crossed by important shipping lanes and contains gas deposits and rich fishing grounds.

This unilateral territorial claim overlaps with the claims of several ASEAN countries and Taiwan. Besides China, the LCS borders Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam.


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